45.memory loss?

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Maxine pov(in the morning)

I heard papa footsteps coming up the stairs.time to put my plan to action! I cover my head under the blanket.

Wake up, maxine. Say papa.then he rip the blanket off me.

Who are you?

Har Har,maxine.now come get dress.say papa.

No.where am I?

Maxine.you in your room.say papa.then I ran out of the room.

MRS.ROSE!THERE A STRANGER IN MY ROOM!!!then I hear papa run after me.

MRS.ROSE?!?!then I checked the rooms downstairs.papa grabbed my wrist.

Maxine, you not in the orphanage.say papa.

So,you kidnapped me!!!!?then I rip my arm from him.

HELP!!I BEEN KIDNAPPED! I yelled while running around the house.papa chase after me.I stop in the hallway.I sat on the floor. I hugged my knees.I start fake crying.

I want to go home. I mumbled.man!I need a grammy!

Maxine,how old are you? Asked papa.oh I see what he doing.he trying see how many I remember. Should I tell him my actual age or lie?

I can't remember.

Fuck.mumbled papa.then I laughed.

Why you laughing? Asked papa

Because you always tell not to cuss but you are cussing.

So you do remember me.say papa.

I didn't loss my memory.it was a prank!

Maxine,that wasn't funny.say papa.

But I am good actor through.

Maxine.that's not the point. The points is you lie about your memory, yelled and scream while running around the house.you broke three major rules.say papa.then I pouted.Then he grab my arm.he smacked my bum 200 times.

Now.go to your room.I will be in there in a minute. Say papa.then I went to my room.

Adopted By Shawn Mendes (On Hold)Where stories live. Discover now