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Shawn pov

Because I am her father.

You are her guardian. And didn't you say you wanted to give her back after two weeks of having her!yelled camila.

Camila,I didn't say that.where did you get that!?!

I thought since you was so stress out about her.you didn't want her.say camila.

Camila,I am always stressed out. You can just make my problems go away by deleting them out of my life.and I never was stress about maxine. Actually she make me less stressed.

I didn't know that. Say camila.

Maxine is good kid who makes bad decisions. I don't know what she been through but I know that she is broken. And you asking me to send my daughter to disciplinary school. It is not happening!

On come it would be good for her.say camila.

Trust me. It is not. Then I walk to the kitchen.maxine wasn't there. I check outside. She wasn't there.

Maxine!then I checked the living room, bathroom,and her room.she wasn't there.

Stop yelling! Say camila.

Maxine is missing! Then I call the cops.

Cop:LAPD. How can we help you?
Shawn:my daughter is missing.
Cop: how long have she been missing?
Shawn:a couple of minutes.
Cop:sorry sir.you have wait 24 hours before you can report a missing report.

Then I hang up.I call my sister.

Aaliyah: stop!......hello?
Shawn:maxine is missing.
Aaliyah: what!!!!!?....ow....sorry.
Shawn:aaliyah who was that?
Aaliyah: Becky, she is studying with me.now what to my niece?
Shawn:she is missing.
Aaliyah: you checked the house?
Aaliyah: call cops?
Shawn:they say to wait 24 hrs.
Aaliyah: call the orphanage
Shawn:actually no.
Aaliyah: glad to be of help....becky!pause the movie!
Shawn: I still here.
Aaliyah: um.....bye.

Then she hang up.I call the orphanage.

Ms rose:Sunnyside orphanage. How you trying to adopt or froster today?
Shawn:I trying to get information about maxine diamond blackberry.
Rose:who is asking?
Shawn:shawn mendes.
Rose: your her guardian. How is she?
Shawn:well she is missing. So do you know where she may go?
Rose:well one time she ran away and we found her at a grave yard.

Then she hang up.

Camila,I am going out.

okay. Say camila.then I hop in the car and drove to the closest grave yard to the orphanage. I hop out of the car. I walk around a bit. I see maxine sitting on the ground crying.I walked up to her.

Maxine? Then she look up with tears in her while glaring at me.

Go away.say maxine.

Maxine, why you ran away?

Didn't run away.I run here. I want going to go back but I don't know cuz after all you didn't want me. Say maxine.

Maxine, where you heard that crazy idea?

When you and camila was arguing.so,I came here. Say maxine.

Who is this?

My mother.say maxine.her mother is dead?

Um...I am sorry for asking.

She killed herself.say maxine.


She didn't even consider what I felt!say maxine. She sat in my lap and lay her head on my chest.

She left me with that monster.say maxine.I rubbed her back.

My father was so mean to me!he hated me.he put me in that orphanage. All because of my mother killed herself. Say maxine.

It okay.it okay.

No it is not!you will give me back like my father!say maxine.

No I will not. Camila misunderstood what I sayed.

So,what did you mean?asked maxine.

I wasn't ready to be a dad.

But you are a great father,papa.say maxine.

Well now I am because I have the best daughter!then I tickled her.

Who? Say maxine while smirking.

My little troublemaker. Now come on we have to go home I have getting goosebumps from being here.then maxine chuckled and nodded. We hop in the car.

You know you in trouble when you get home.

Can you just drop it?asked maxine while doing a sad puppy face.

Nice try.but no.

Please? Asked maxine.

Maxine, did you eat this morning?

Yeah.say maxine while nodding. She is lieing. I shook my head.

Okay. What did you eat?

That apple. Say maxine.

Why are you lieing? Then we hopped out the car.

I am not lieing. Say maxine.

Maxine, you forgetting I got cameras in the house.so,to your room. Then we walk to her room.I lay her across my lap.

Why you are in trouble?

Because I lied.say maxine.

About what?

Eating. Say maxine.

20 for lieing. 200 per bottoms for leaving the house without permission.

~20 later ~

Maxine cover her bum.

Move or it will be more.then she moved her hands.

~200 later~

I pulled down her pants.

~200 later~

Maxine was crying. I pulled down her underwear.

~200 later~

I pulled up her underwear and pants. Then I sat her on my lap.she was crying hard.so,I rubbed her back.

Did you learn your lesson?then she nodded. I hugged her for a little while.

Adopted By Shawn Mendes (On Hold)Where stories live. Discover now