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Maxine pov

I woke up. I was feeling a lot better.i walk to the kitchen.

Come on!say  camila.

No.say papa.then i sat the table.

Morning maxine.say papa.

Why not?asked camila.

We will talk about this later. So,maxine how do you feel? Asked papa.


Good cuz you going to school tommrrow. Say papa.

Way to go.you succeeded in making my day bad.then he rolled his eyes.

What you want to eat?asked camila.

Not hungry. But can I get me some orange juice?

Um..sure.say camila.

Maxine.say papa.

What?I am not hungry. You can't make me eat when I am not hungry.

She is right.say camila. Then papa rolled his eyes and handed me an apple.

Shawn please!say camila

Camila.what did I say?say papa.then she stormed out of the kitchen.papa followed behind her.I threw the apple away.I went outside and climbed the tree.I jump on to the roof.I walk to papa's bedroom window.

She needs this!say camila.

She is just fine camila.say papa.then he sat on the bed.

Is she!?!she is badass kid.say camila.then papa stood up.

No she is not.she just been through a lot.all she need is some tender love and care. Say papa.

Been through?what has she gone through!?! Yelled camila.

More than you would. Say papa.

How do you know?asked camila.

Because I am her father. Say papa.

You are her guardian. And didn't you say you wanted to give her back after two weeks of having her!yelled camila.give me back!!?he wanted to give me back!then I got angry. I jumped off the roof and ran across the front yard.I jumped over the fence. I ran to the only safety for me.I ran the whole way to the grave yard.i immediately found my mother grave.I sat next to it.

Mother, I am so angry!he didn't want me!I trusted him mother! I think he was different from the other parents but he not! Then I started crying.

Mother, why you have to kill yourself!?! If you never would killed yourself. I wouldn't have to go this heartbreak again.father already did that first!why!?!why!?!why you could killed me instead!?! Then i hugged my knees to my chest.

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