5.all you need is love

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Shawn pov

I woke up to someone knocking at my room door.i got from my bed and i open the door to see aaliyah.


I can't find maxine anywhere!

Because she slept in my bed. Now can i go back bed from?

And some photographers and your manger is downstairs.

What!?then i ran downstairs to see people set up lighting and cameras.


Shawn,good you are up.say tom.

Tom,why are cameras in my living room??

Because today is your photo shoot for teen magazine. Remember?say tom.

I forgot about that.

Shawn, i need $20 dollars. Say aaliyah.


Okay. i just can ask papazzi for $20 dollars.say aaliyah.

Fine. Here. Then i handed her $20 dollars.

And maxine is up.see ya later. Then aaliyah left.

What!?then i ran upstairs to my room to hear running water.i walk in the bathroom to see maxine flooding the sink and tub.

Maxine.come.here.then she shook her head.

Now.then she slowly walk to me when she got in my arm reach. I grab her arm.i hit her twice on her bum.

You can't flood the bathroom. Then i let go of her arm.she gave me the middle finger with a smirked.

Stop that.then she put her hands down.then i walk to my closet and she follow me with disappointed face.i try to igrono her and pick my clothes out.key word try!i sighed and look at her.

What's wrong,maxine?then she shook head.

Are you sure?then she nodded. She held her arms out.

You want a hug?then she gave a small smile.wow! She actually smile for once!then i hugged her.

Now go get dress.then she shook her head and held her arm out again.

You can get a hug after you get dress. Then she got mad and stomped out my room.oh no!what did i do!?i got her angry!then i got dress and went to maxine room to see wasn't there.that is not good.

Maxine pov

Now go get dress.say papa.then i shook my head and held my arm out again.

You can get a hug after you get dress.say papa. No!i want hug now! Then i got mad and stomped out papa room.i went to my room and stripped down my clothes so i was just in birthday suit.i went downstairs and walk around people.

Maxine!!yelled papa.he pick me up and carry me to my room.

Maxine,you can't walk around in your birthday suit.now, actually get dress this time. Say papa.then i held my arms out again.

After you are dress you can't get all hugs you want but please get dress first. Say papa. Then he left and i got dress.

 Then he left and i got dress

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(Maxine outfit)

I went downstairs and saw papa.i ran to him.he hugged me and put me back on my feet. He walk to photographer to take his picture.i want a hug. So,i walk to him with my arms out.

Not now.i am doing something. Say papa.then i stomp on his foot and kick him in his manhood. I stomp away and to climb the tree in backyard. Then papa walk outside.

Maxine,get out the tree!then i crossed my arms.

Maxine if you don't yet off that tree right now i will spank you.no spankings! i just want a hug.then i got out the tree.

Good.now please behave.then we walk back the house. Papa went back to take pictures while i when to his room.i place a bucket of water on door and went to my room.

~30 mins later ~

I saw papa walk to his room when he open the door the water fell on him.

Maxine!diamond!Mendes!you are in big trouble! Young lady!then he walked in my room.he grab my arm and hit me 5 times on my bum.he let go of my arm.

Now,sit on your bed and don't move! Then he left. My bum was hurting. So,i stand up and rubbed my acheing bum.then i hear footsteps. I quickly sat down on the bed.he walk in.

I am proud of you. You actually listened to me.then he hugged me.

Now, let go downstairs.then we walk downstairs all the people was gone.we walk to the kitchen.

Maxine, what you want to eat pancakes or cereal?asked papa.i held one finger -the middle finger-.

Maxine. Fix it.then he gave me the try-me look. Then i held my index finger.

Better.then he turn around to look in the cabinet. I held my middle finger.

Maxine,i can see that finger.fix it or i will.then i put my hand down. I walk onto the counter.

Maxine,off the counter. Then i jump off the counter. It was fun.

Maxine!you okay!?asked papa while checking my face for injury.then i nodded.

Good.now, maxine was dangerous! You could hurt yourself! Say papa.then i rolled my eyes.i did a lot of dangerous things in the orphanage. Those were good times😊.

Maxine,are you even listening to me!say papa.then i nodded. Nope!

What did i just say?then i shrugged my shoulders.then we hear the doorbell. Then i ran to the door.

Maxine! Then he ran after me.i open the door to see a lady.

Hi,sweetie. Say the lady while pitching my cheeks. Then I grab her hand and dig my nail in her skin.i hate people touching me without my permission.

Maxine! Let go of her!

Adopted By Shawn Mendes (On Hold)Where stories live. Discover now