4.cycle of trouble

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Shawn pov

I woke up to my phone ring.

Where are you?yelled my manger.
Where i supposed be at again?
At the studio! Say my manger.
I will be here in 5 hrs.
No,1 hr and you get to keep your career! Say my manger. Then i hang up.i walk to aaliyah room to see of she can watch maxine for me.but when i walk in her room she was gone and note was left saying "when to Brooklyn house".great! Now i have to get 7 yrs old girl dress and ready in under 30 mins.then i went to maxine.she was sleeping like a angel. Then I rip the blankets off her.she was still asleep!then i shook her.she hit my hand each time i shook her shoulder. Then i pick her out the bed and made her stand.

Maxine,get up we have less than 20 mins to get your ready.then she nodded.

So,get dress and meet me downstairs. Then she nodded. I left and got ready.i walk downstairs to see maxine wasn't there.i went to her room to see she was back in bed.so,i pick her clothes out.

Then i put the clothes on her.

Maxine,get up so i can do your hair.then she hop back in bed. Then I picked her up and put in my lap.i brush her hair.

Done.lets go.then i walk to the door while maxine was back bed. I pick her up carry her to the car.i drove to the studio.i carry maxine to the recording studio.wow she really sleep.i wonder if she slept last night. I put her in a chair while I was recording my song.

Maxine pov

I woke up in a chair. I sat up and stretch some of my muscles.i urge to pee.i hate of was potty trained because every morning when i wake up i have to go pee.then i started to looking for papa.i saw him in some type of booth(sound booth).then i knock on the door. He open it.i started doing the potty dance.

Oh,you need to go to bathroom. Then i nodded i guessing he is showing me to the restroom.

I will be out here if you need me.then i nodded and walk in the ladies room.i did my business. I walk to the sink and clean my hands.then i got a idea.i didn't dry my hands instead i walk the restroom and hug papa with my wet hands.

Maxine, i got my shirt wet.that's the point idiot!

Maxine,you are in trouble when we get home. So,i can't get in trouble until we get home. I will have fun with this!then we walk back to the room we was in original was in.then i started throw a tatum about nothing. People started look at us weirdly.

Maxine, get up off the floor!say papa harshly in a whisper. Then i started get louder until he pick me up but that didn't stop me from screaming and hitting him.

Stop hitting me!then he put me in the chair woke up on.

Stay.here.got it?then i nodded. He went back to the booth again. So,i walk to the sound board person and started asking a lot questions.

Shawn,get your daughter. Say the sound board guy.then papa put me back in the chair again.

Stay.here.don't.Move.got it?then i nodded. Nope!then he went back to the booth. I sneaked away to the hallway. Then i bump into someone.

You are maxine,right?asked the guy.i nodded.

Well,i am tom your dad's manger. Where is your dad?asked tom.then i pointed to the room he was in.when he walk in the room.i started running down the hallway.

Maxine!yelled papa. I froze.dang!i got caught!

Come here young lady!say papa.i walk to him.he pop me on my hand.

You can't leave without me.say papa.then he carry me to room again and put me in the chair.

Stay here.if you move again i will make you regret it.got it?then i nodded.then he went back to the booth and i gave me you-better-stay-in-chair look.so i stood up in the chair. I struck my tongue out while pointing both of my middle fingers.then he gave me you-are-truoble-when-we-get-home look.he started singing again.i sat down.

~1 hr later~

Papa walk out the booth and say bye to sound board guy.

Let go,maxine.say papa.but i didn't move.then he carry me to the car.then he drove home.

Go to your room.say papa.i sat on the floor.

You better be in your room before I count to 5.




2.i still didn't move

1 and 3/4.

1 and 2/4.

1 and 1/4.

1!then he put me in my room.he sat on my bed and lay me on stomach on his lap.then he hit my bum 10 times and i put my hands over bum.

Move your hands or you get more. Say papa.then he moved my hands.he hit my bum 20 times. I was crying like crazy.then he sat me up and hug me.my bum hurting!

If you would have behaved i would have to spank you.have you learned your lesson. Say papa while rubbing my back.i felt good have a hug.i never get hugs at the orphanage because everyone was scared of me. Then we hear the doorbell.

I will go get it.then i put me down on my bed and left my room. Man!the one time i actually wanted a hug!

Shawn pov

I open the door to see aaliyah.

Really aaliyah!


You ruined another father-daughter moment again.

My bad.

~that night (12 am)~

I woke when i hear my door open. I turned my night stand lamp on.i see maxine at my door way.she like she saw a ghost.

Maxine, you okay?then she hop in my bed and got the covers.i turn the lamp off and when back to sleep.

Adopted By Shawn Mendes (On Hold)Where stories live. Discover now