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Maxine pov

Maxine.stop playing.say papa.right now I hiding in the laundry basket.then I heard footsteps coming closer.

Maxine.out.say papa.I shook my head no.then he took me out the basket. He smack my bum 5 times.

Don't run away from me.say papa.then he took me back to the living room.

Sit.say papa.I sat on the floor.papa started doing my hair.he started combing it.

Ow.ow!that hurts!

Well ,if you stop playing in your hair. We wouldn't have this problem. Say papa.

But ow.but it not my fault that I like playing in my hair.ow!can you stop that?!

No.I have to look nice when the babysitter comes.say papa.


Yes.babysitter. say papa.


Are you yelling at me?asked papa.

Yes!then he smack me with the comb on the leg twice.

No yelling.say papa.then he did my hair.


Yeah.sure.say papa.then I sit on his lap.he wraps arm around me while the doorbell rang.oh come!then he place me on the couch.he walked back in the living room with a tall girl.

Maxine,this is amber.amber ,this is maxine. Say papa.then I nodded.I don't want a babysitter. I want papa!

Behave. Say papa.then he hugged me.

No promises.I whisper to him.then he left.

So,you want to a game? Asked amber.I  sat on the couch and turned on the tv.

Okay.we can watch tv then.say amber. Then she sat down next to me.After one episode of spongebob squarepants.

I am bored.let play something. Say amber. Then she dramatically fell into my lap.I push her off me.I shook my head.I grabs two shoe laces.

What are doing?asked amber while stand up from the floor.I tie her hands behind her back.

Aye.don't tie my hands.say amber.I tie her feet together.

Untie me.say amber. Then I grab the duct tape.

I will call shawn.say amber.she has papa phone number!?!wait a minute. She is tied up.she can't call without hands.then I tape her mouth.I walked to my room.I took a shower and put on my night clothes.I hop in bed.when I heard the front door open.

MAXINE DIAMOND MENDES! yelled papa.then he slam my door open.

Hey papa.

Why was amber tied up!??! Say papa.

Cuz she was annoying.

You can't tied up people.maxine. say papa.then he sit on my bed.

Here. Say papa.

Nah.I am good.

It will be worse if you get over here.say papa.then I walked over to him.he placed me over his lap.

500 for tie up amber,500 for misbehaving while I was gone.say papa.

~500 later~

He pulled down my pants and underwear.
~500 later ~

Corner time in my room.say papa.

Adopted By Shawn Mendes (On Hold)Where stories live. Discover now