16.i told you

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Camila pov

Shawn woke me up.i wanted to sleep in today.

You can get dress while i go wake maxine up.say shawn.

No,i will go wake up maxine for you.

Umm.maxine not a morning person. Say shawn while running his hand through his hair.

Nonsense. Then i hop out of bed.

Are you sure you want wake her up?asked shawn while blocking me from leaving the room.

Yes.then he moved.i walk to her room and shawn follow me.she not that bad.then i slowly opened her door. I walk to her and shook her.

Go away.say maxine.

Time to get up.

Fuck you!say maxine. Then she pulled the blanket over her head.

Wake up.then i shook her.when all of sudden she grab my wrist.

Shake me one more time. And you will lose that arm.say maxine while eyes still close. Then she release my wrist.

I got this.say shawn.he grab her out of bed and stood on her feet.he walk to her closet.maxine fell down.i walk to her.

Don't touch her.say shawn. Then he returned from the closet with her clothes.

Why she fell?

She is too sleepy.say shawn. He stood maxine again.

Maxine,get dress and ready. Meet me downstairs. Say shawn.then maxine point the middle finger.

Fix it.say shawn.then she fix it. We left her room.

I told you.she wasn't a morning person say shawn.

I thought you was over exaggerating. Then i got dress.

Maxine pov

I got dress and i walk out the room slide down the rails.i tip toe to the kitchen.

I can hear you breathing maxine. Say papa.oh man.

How you knew?

Not telling. Say shawn.

What we doing today?

Surprise. Say camila while covering papa mouth.i bended my spoon until it broke.

Maxine,you can't just break spoon for fun.say papa.then he grab the broke spoon from me.

Well,i can't break her neck.i mumbled.then camlia sat next to me.i got up and walk outside.i climb up the tree. I watch the leaves blow in the wind to calm me down before i do something i will regret.

Maxey, time to go.say camila.then i climb on the highest branch and jump on the roof.

Maxey!yelled camila.i walk on the roof until i reached the front of the house. I heard the door open.i saw camila and papa run out the house.i saw the papazzi at the gates taking pictures.

Maxine diamond mendes! Get down!yelled papa.papa was getting mad.

Okay.then i smirked. I back up a couple feet and started to running off the roof.i was in the fly for a least one minute. My hands touched the ground first so i did a front roll.that was awesome!i saw papa and camila standing over me.

Maxine,you okay?asked papa while checking my head and arms for injury.

Yes.then i stood up and brush myself off.

Adopted By Shawn Mendes (On Hold)Where stories live. Discover now