23. a little bother

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Maxine pov

I woke up and went to papa room.he was laying in bed on his phone while camila was sleeping.oh man!i guess no prank today!then i close the door.i walk back to my room.i hop on my bed and started thinking about another prank i can do.

Maxine, why you was in my room?asked papa.he leaning on the wall.he was only sweatpants.

Why you don't you have a shirt on?

Maxine.say papa.

Shawn.then he raise his eyebrow.

Maxine, answer my question.

Shawn,answer my question.

Maxine, i am not playing. Say papa.i sigh.

I came in your room to do a prank.now my question, shawn.then he rolled his eyes.

Maxine, i tolled you last time you asked. Say papa.then he walked to kitchen and follow me.

So,i am not in trouble? Please say i am not.WAIT! A MINUTE SINCE WHEN I CARED ABOUT BEING TROUBLE?

Oh.you are but i don't feel like spanking you right now.say papa while checking the fridge.then i walk out the kitchen.

Where you going?asked papa

To my room.

Nice try.you not messing with camila today.you can stay downstairs. Say papa.then i sighed and sat on the couch. After 5 mins papa sat on couch next me.i lay my head on his lap.

I am bored.

Read a book or watch tv.say papa while on his phone. Then he moved my head off his lap.

Papa!then he igone me.

Papa.papa.papa.papa.papa.shawn.shawn.shawn. shawn. Shawn.

What maxine? Asked papa.

I love you.

I love you but what you want?asked papa.

To go upstairs.

Nope.not happening. Say papa.

I guess i will be bothering you all day.then i started jumping up and down in front.

Do like Instagram!?!

Yes.say papa in bored tone.

Is the sky is blue!?!



No.say papa.


No.say papa.

Please, i want to finding nemo!?!wait you know where is nemo??!then i jump in his lap.he hissed in pain.

Do know where is nemo!?!do you know where is dory!!!?

Okay.okay!you have literately hurt my ear with your talking!say papa.

So,can i go upstairs?

Yes. Say papa while running his finger though his hair. Then i ran to papa room and jumped on the bed. Camila woke up and fell out the bed.

Ow.say camila.

Morning camila.

Hey maxine.say camila.then she dust herself.

Maxine!say papa.

I wasn't here.then i ran to bathroom. I climbed in vent and crawl to my bathroom. I climb out of it.

Maxine!say papa.then i heard my bedroom door open. I slowly walk to bathroom door and look out to my room.

Maxine. Here now.say papa.then he lay me across his lap.

100 each for scaring camila to death and 100 each for being roof.say papa.100+100+100=300.....+ another 300.....600hits.then i cover my bum.

Maxine.say papa.then i moved my hands away.

~200 later~

He pulled down my pants.

~200 later~

He pulled down my underwear.

~200 later ~

He pulled my underwear back up. And place my pajama pants on my bed.

Corner.in the living room. Say papa. Then i walk downstairs to the living room and stood in the corner.

Sit down. Say papa.

Do you i have to?

Yes.say papa.then he sat down on the couch.i sat down. Ow!then i hissed in pain as my bum touched the floor.

~10 mins later ~

times up.say papa.he handed me my pants back. I put them on while papa lay down on the couch.i  jump on papa stomach.

Really maxine? Asked papa.then i lay my head on his chest and listen his heartbeat.then papa chuckle.

My little troublemaker. Say papa. Then we heard the doorbell ring. Oh come on!i was comfortable.then papa place on the floor and walk to the door. I followed behind him.he open the door.it was six guys.

Sup shawn.say one of the guys.

Hey you guys. It is nice to see you but why you are here?asked papa.

To get magcon back together. Say one of the guys.

Come in.say papa.then they walk in.

Who is this cute?asked one of the guys.he pinched my cheeks.i grabbed his wrist and digged my nails in his skin.he hissed in pain.

Maxine,let of him.say papa. Then i let go of him.

Guys,this maxine.my daughter. Say papa.

I am taylor.

I am Aaron.

I am jack j.he is jack g.

I am hayes.

I am cameron. Say cameron while rubbing his wrist. They sat down on the couch.i sat on papa because they took most of the couch.

Shawn,do one more tour with us. Say hayes.

Why?asked papa.then i lay head on his chest. He rubbed my back.

For old time sakes.say cameron.

I don't know. Say papa.

Come on. It will be fun.say hays.

And we not getting any younger. Say Aaron.

Fine.say papa.

Well practice starts tommrrow. Say jack j.

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