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Maxine pov

Come maxine. You have a doctor appointment today.say papa while shaking me.


Yes a doctor. Say papa.then I ran to the bathroom and lock the door.

Maxine, come out. Say papa.



That doesn't scare me.


Go away.


I am not coming out.

2....then I unlocked the door.papa grab my hand.

Umm 200 per each pair of bottoms you have on.plus locking the door,300.say Papa.he laid my across his lap.

~200 later~

He pulled down my pants.

~200 later~

He pulled down my underwear.

~300 later~

He pulled up my underwear.

Now get dress and come downstairs. Say papa.then I slowly put my skinny jean on.I put on a shirt on.I walk downstairs and my bum started burning. I hissed as a walk to the kitchen.

I can just stand.

Maxine. Say papa.then I sat down on the chair. He place a plate of toast in front on me. I ate it while papa played on his phone.

Alright let go. Say papa. Then we walked to the car.I stood next to the car.

Maxine get in your booster seat.say papa.

Do I have to?

If I have to do it.you are going be in trouble. Say papa.then I sat in my seat and buckled up.pap drove to the Doctor office. He parked the car.

Come on maxine. We have to walk in the building. Say papa.then I shook my head and stay in my seat.

Are you scare? Asked papa.

Hell no.then he pinch my arm.

Stop cussing.say papa

I am not leaving this motherfucking car.then he sat next to my seat and place me across his lap.

~100 later~

Stop cussing.say papa.

Make me!

~100 later~

Stop yelling. Say Papa.then I nodded.

Behave.say papa.

No promises. Then we walked in the waiting room.I sat on papa lap while he rubbed my back while we waited.

Maxine mendes. Say the nurse. Then we followed her to scale.

Please step on.say the nurse.I step on the scale.

She is few pounds over the average. Say the nurse.she wrote it down on his clipboard.she measured my height.

A couple inches over average.say the nurse. She wrote it down.

Follow me.say the nurse. We followed her to a small room with a whole of doctor tools.

Wait here.the doctor will be in here in few minutes. Say the nurse. Then I sat on the bed.my hand started shaking.

Maxine, it is okay to be scared.say papa.

I am not scare.then he rolled eyes.the doctor walked in.

Hello, I am doctor Olaf.then the doctor shook hands with papa.

What is your name?asked Dr.Olaf while washing his hands.

Maxine. Then he put on his gloves.

Well,I going to check your eyes and ears.say Dr.Olaf.then he flash a light in my ears and eyes.

Now I am going to check lungs and heart.say dr. Olaf.then he used his stethoscope are listen to my heart and lungs.the doctor checked my throat,back, legs and stomach.

This is second to last part.sir I have to visually check your daughter genitals to make sure there no unusual things near that area.say Dr.olaf.genitals?what is that?

Like what?asked papa.

Bumps,wounds and bruising.say Dr.olaf.then he lift a little of my pants up.I smacked his hand.


He is just checking.say papa while holding my hand.the. the doctor quick look and look at bum too.

Done. Now all you need is one shot. Say Dr.olaf.then I squeezed papa hand.the doctor give me the shot on the upper arm.he put a grey bandage on it.

And you will be needing this.say Dr.olaf while handing papa a pamphlet.papa eyes widened

Really it can start at this age?asked papa.

Yup.if you lucky.she will be late Bloomer. Say Dr.olaf while chuckling.

No funny.say papa.

Good luck.I had two daughters who went puberty. Pure hell.say Dr.olaf.

Yeah that makes me feel a lot better.say papa.then he rolled his eyes.we walked to the car.

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