41.play date

676 20 3

Maxine pov


Stop yell at me.say papa.


Maxine, put your flats on right now.say papa.

Make me.then he carry me back to my room.he took my high tops off me and put my flats on me.

Now lets go.say papa.then I kick the flats off.

I want my high tops!then he took a deep sigh.

Put your flats on or you will be in trouble. Say papa.

No.then he grab my arm and smack my bum 50 times.

Go.say papa.then I crossed my arms.he grabs my arm and smack my bum 50 more times.

Maxine. Say papa sternly. Then I angry put on the flats.


Yes.now let's go.say papa.we hop in the car.


Yes?asked papa.

I don't want to go.

Why not?asked papa.I can't tell him that I am afraid of making friends.

I want to stay home with you.I hate meeting new people!

Aw that's sweet but we can do that after your play date.say papa.

But I don't want to!I am too shy for that!

Maxine, you need to make some friends. Say papa

I already have friends.

Meant outside of school.say papa.then he park the car outside of a big house.we walked to the door. I held papa hand.papa look at me with confusion.I shook my head.please don't ask! Then papa press the doorbell.a women open the door.(a/n Madison and Jake miller is marry and their have a son for this book)

Hey shawn.Say the women.

Hey Madison,where Jake?asked papa

In the living room.Come in.say Madison. Then we walked in.

Who is this?asked Madison. Then she kneeled to my level. She better not pinch my cheeks!then she pinch my cheeks.I grab her hand and started digging my nails in her skin.

Maxine, let go.say papa.I let go.

I guess she don't like her cheek pinched. Say Madison while rubbing her hand.

She don't. Say papa.

They are in the living room.say Madison.she walked away.we walked to the living room.

Jake,what's sup.say papa.then papa and jake did a handshake.

Sup,shawn.say jake.

That is my daughter maxine.say papa.

and this is my son daniel.say jake.then jake show next to him but daniel wasn't there.

excuse me for one minute. Say jake.then he walked out. I tugged on papa arm.

I want to go home.I whispered.

Maxine, you will be fine.say papa. Then jake wanted in with daniel.

Now this is daniel. Shawn,let me show you the man cave. Say jake.

Okay.I will be right there. Say papa.then he let go of my hand but I held it tighter.

You will be fine.say papa.then I let go of his hand.he walked out with jake.

Adopted By Shawn Mendes (On Hold)Where stories live. Discover now