24.no camila

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Maxine pov

I walk in the kitchen to see camila cooking.

Morning maxine. Say camila

Where's papa?

In the room. U hungry? Asked camila. I look at what she was cook.that looks burned.then i went to papa room. I saw he was doing his hair.

Do you have to leave?

Yes.say papa.

Why I can't come?

Because camila will watch you today.so behave. Say papa.then i rolled my eyes.he kneeled to my eyes level.he looks so serious right now.

Behave or it will be worst when i get home. Say papa.then he stood up.

Now let get you something to eat and hope camila didn't burn the kitchen down. Say papa.then we walk downstairs to the kitchen.

Um,camila. I can cook breakfast today. Say papa while turning off the stove.

No.no.no.i want to do it.say camila. Then they kissed. Ew!

Cough. Cough. The cough. Then camila clear her throat and walk out the kitchen while blushing. Papa started cooking.i heard him humming a tone.

What are humming?

A new song i am working on.say papa.

I want to hear it.

I thought that I've been hurt before
But no one's ever left me quite this sore
Your words cut deeper than a knife
Now I need someone to breathe me back to life

Got a feeling that I'm going under
But I know that I'll make it out alive
If I quit calling you my lover
Move on

You watch me bleed until I can't breathe
I'm shaking falling onto my knees
And now that I'm without your kisses
I'll be needing stitches
I'm tripping over myself
I'm aching begging you to come help
And now that I'm without your kisses
I'll be needing stitches.sang papa.


Thank you.say papa. Then he made me bacon and grits.

See you later maxine.love ya.behave.say papa. Then he left the house.i finished my food and went my room.i watched tv in the dark.

~1 hour later~

I was cuddle up with amy blankets in my bed in dark. The tv was the only light in the room.then i heard the door open and the light turn on.the light blinded me for couple seconds.

Maxine,you can't lock yourself up in your room all day.say camila.then she carry me to the living room.

What do you want?

To spend time with you.say camila.

Welp,I don't. Then I starting walking out the room.

Wait, one movie plz!say camila.

Fine.then we watched bring it on movie. I got bored and quietly snuck out.

Maxine, where are you going? Asked Camila.

I need to piss.

Corner. Say camila.then I did the middle finger and went to my room.

Maxine,you in trouble when shawn comes here.say camila.

I don't give a fuck!

Well you should. Say a voice.please don't be papa!I turned around to see papa stand at the end of the hall.

Camila let me see you brush.and maxine. Room.now.say papa.then I went to my room and sat on the bed.papa walk in with a brush.plz tell me he is going to brush my hair with that.papa lay me on his lap.

100 each with the brush for giving camila trouble. Say papa.

~100 later~

That brush hurts!then he pulled down my pants.

~100 later~

Then he pulled up my pants. I sat in his lap while he rubbed my back.

Maxine, why?

I tried to be nice! And you know I hate her.then he sighed.

I want really hopeing you two would like each other because I will tour a lot this summer and you two will be the only ones home.say papa.

Why can't I go?

Because what happened last time.now,go apologize to camila.say papa.

Do I have to?

Maxine, do the right thing for once.say papa.then I walk to camila room. She was on the bed on the tablet.

Yes,maxine?asked camila in bored tone.

Sorry for being a trouble while papa was gone.then she raise a eyebrow when I stuck my arm out for a hug.

I rarely give hugs.then she quickly hugged me.I quickly ended it.

Never speak of this.then I climbed in the vents to see papa walking downstairs. So,I got out the vents and slides down the rails. When I go to bottom the rails.my bum was on hot.

Maybe that will teach you not to ride the rails.say papa.

That not in the rules.

I can add it to the rules if you like. Say papa.

No.no. you don't have to.then we walk to living room. Papa sat down while lay my head in his lap.he ran is fingers through my hair.

Papa,how did you meet camila?

Umm.that a story for a another time.

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