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Shawn pov

I woke up and hop in the shower when i realize someone put syrup in my shampoo!aaliyah! Then i got some pants on and slam aaliyah bedroom door open.


What!?asked aaliyah.

Why you put syrup in my shampoo!?!

I didn't! And put on a shirt! Wake me when it is time for class.say aaliyah. Then she slam the door in my face.if she didn't do it.could it be..no!no!maxine would never sneak in my room.would she?then i walk to her room.i woke her up.

Maxine,tell me the truth. Okay?then she nodded.

Did you put syrup in my shampoo? Then she nodded with a big smile on her face.then she back hand me in the face.

No!you can't hit me.then i hit her twice on her bum.

Go to time out.then she pointed the middle finger and ran out her room.

Maxine! When i find you are in big trouble!

Maxine pov

I rolled my eyes.then i grabbed the whipped cream and hided behind the corner. Then I hear footsteps. So,i sprayed whipped cream all over him.he looked funny.i started laughing. Then he wipe her eyes with his hands.

You think this funny?asked papa.then i nodded.

Let see how funny it is when bum is hurting. Then I ran to my room.

Maxine diamond mendes! Open this door. Then I crossed my arms.he pick the lock.then he pick me up and lay across his lap.he hit my bum at least 20 times.my bum felt like it was on fire. So,i started crying. Then he hugged me.what the f**k!he was just hurting me.now he hugging!then he rubbed my back.

I'm am sorry but you had to learn your lesson.then i stop crying and enjoying the hug.the last time i got hug was in forever!

Awww y'all so cute! Say aaliyah. Then i quickly got off papa lap and ran to aaliyah and kick her in the leg.i pointed the middle finger.i hate when people see me show affection. Because people will think i am broken and no one wants a broken toy.then i climbed the tree again.

Shawn pov

Really?! Really,aaliyah! We final process!

Sorry.my bad.say aaliyah

Yea.it is your bad. Why you even walk in the room?

To tell you that I was leaving. So,bye.say aaliyah.

See ya later.then aaliyah left.so,i looked for maxine.then i saw the backyard door open. So i walk outside. I saw maxine in the tree looking at the sky.

Maxine!then she flinch to the side and fell out the tree.lucky, i caught her in time.when i caught her she was shaking and she look scared.

Maxine, you okay?then she just snapped out of it and try to get out my arms.we finally was almost there!!

Adopted By Shawn Mendes (On Hold)Where stories live. Discover now