22.grandparents House

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Maxine pov

I walked in the kitchen. I grab a knife and apple. I was about to cut it.

Maxine! Shouted a voice. I got startled and threw the knife in the voice direction. I saw it papa.the knife was above his head.


Why did you have a knife for? Asked papa while taking the knife out the wall.

To cut a apple.

I will do it.say papa. He cut the apple.he handed the slices to me.


So,...say papa while running his fingers through his hair.


Well, umm me and camila are going out today.say papa.he look at me nervously.

Okay.then i raise my eyebrow.he mumbled.

What did you say?

You will be at the grandparents house today.say papa.

Okay.then he relaxed.

Get dress.say papa.then i got dress and walk downstairs.

Are you sure she was okay with it?asked camila. I stop in middle of stairs and listened to them.

Yes.now stop worrying. Say papa.

But she might make her angry.say camila.she still is fear of me.nice!

She won't get angry. Say papa.

Fine.i will go.say camila.then i walked to living room.

Ready to go?asked papa.i saw camila was nervous.

Yeah.then we hop in the car and drove to grandparents house. Me and papa walked to the door.

Be good. Okay?asked papa.then he press the doorbell.

No promises. Then the door open.

Hey mom.say papa.

Hi shawn.hi maxine. Say grandma.

Have fun.say papa.then he hugged me. He hugged Grandma. She nodded.what did he tell her!?!then i walked and grandma shut the door.

Do you want to help me cook?asked grandma.


Well,you can watch tv if you like. Say grandma. She left me in the living room.i look around the room.it had a tv,two couches, family photos and small table. I walked to front door. I saw it had  two locks.

Going somewhere maxine? Asked grandpa.

Hey grandpa. I was just going outside for some air.

I can open the window if you like? Asked grandpa.

No thank. Then i went to the kitchen.

So,you changed your mind?asked grandma.i smirked and nodded.

Mix the bowl. Say grandma. Then i mix slow then when faster until the mix spill everywhere.

Oh dear!no!maxine!say grandma.then she took the bowl away from me.

No.no.no.i want help!i want to help!then i stomped my feet.

Fine.fine.you can mix the water.say Grandma.she handed me a spoon and bowl of water.i not stupid!she wanted me to get out the way!then i threw the spoon at her.

Ow!maxine.say Grandma.

It wasn't me.then i threw the bowl of water at her.she shirt was soaked.

Maxine, corner! Say grandma.

Make me old woman!then i did the middle finger. I walk to the living room and took a cat nap.

~2 hours later~

Shawn,she is bad!she threw a tatum!she threw objects at me! She even threw water at me!say grandma.then i feel someone picking me up.

I will fix that when we get home.say papa.

Right maxine? Asked papa.then i opened my eyes.

~at home ~

We went to my room.I was laying across papa lap.

You did the middle finger,disobeyed,threw two objects,threw water,and made a mess in the kitchen. I will say that it is 200 each.say papa.

~1000 later ~

Finally,it is over.my bum is red!then papa pull down my pants.

But i got 200 each.

200 each thing plus each article of clothes. Say papa.

~1000 later ~


Nope. Say papa.then he pulled down my underwear.

~1000 later~

He pulled my underwear up and took pants.


Come eat dinner. Say papa.

But i need my pants.

Remember if i have spank you over 200 or more no pants for corner but it is dinnertime so no corner. Say papa.then i walk to kitchen.

Um.maxine where is your pants? Asked camila.

You should ask papa.then i sat on cold chair. It felt nice on my bum.

Should i ask? Asked camila.

If you want to.say papa.then he fixed our plates.

No thank you.say camila.

Adopted By Shawn Mendes (On Hold)Where stories live. Discover now