26.pain is not my game

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Maxine pov

I hummed a beat with climbing to the highest branch of this tree and jumped to the roof.I look up at the clouds.this is peaceful!

Maxine?asked papa.it was peaceful. Then I jumped from the roof to a branch.

Maxine,climb down. Say papa.why climb?when you can jump!then I jumped on land on my feet when I felt my right ankle move out of place.then I loss balanced and fell on the ground.

Oh shit!I think I hurt my ankle.

Hold still and don't move.say papa while calling on his phone.

~2 hrs later~

Mr.mendes, she will be fine in two weeks. If she stay off that ankle. Say doc.then I glared at my cast on my ankle.

You are free to go.say doc.then the doctor left.

Maxine,let go.say papa.

I want this stupid cast off first.

You heard what the doctor. Say papa.

Fuck that doctor.

You know you not that injured to not get spanked. Say papa.

But it heavy and ugly!

Maybe you should've listen to me last time I sayed to stop climbing trees.say papa.then I grab my crutches and walked to the car. Papa drove home.we walk in the kitchen.

How did it go?asked Camila

Good.it was will sprained. Say papa.

Poor baby!say camila with sad face.she hugged me.

Camila,aaliyah is coming over today.say papa.

Yay!I finally meet her!say camila.

Trust me. She not that fun.

Maxine. Say papa.then I did the middle finger.

Room now!say papa.

You funny.

Camila, you bring her to her room please? Asked papa.then I did my sad puppy dog face.

Cammy,don't make me go.then camila look heartbroken.

Camila.don't fell for the eyes.say papa.

But...but..but..they look soo sad.say camila while hugging me.papa sighed and took my hand.we walked the living room. He lay me across his lap.

Let see,You cussed. You did the middle finger.disobeyed me.I say 250 per layer of bottoms. Say papa.

~250 later ~

Papa pulled down my pants.

~250 later~

Papa pulled down my underwear.

~250 later~

He pulled down my underwear and pants.

Corner in the kitchen.say papa.I sat in the corner. Papa started cooking.

~10 mins~

Times up.say papa.then I walked to the living room and sat on the couch with my right foot elevated on the table. I watched tv when camila lay on the couch. I lay my head on her stomach. She started running her hands through my hair.

Maxine,I through I was cuddled buddy?asked papa.

You are.then he pick me pick and hugged me.He put me down.

Shawn!diamond! I am here!!!!! Yelled aaliyah. She walked in the room.

Hey favorite brother!say aaliyah while hugging papa.

Okay.okay.what you want?asked papa.

Well,I need a new car.so, I can I borrow your car? Asked aaliyah.

Nice try.say papa.

Hey diamond.say aaliyah.she turned to camila.

Hi,I am aaliyah. You are?

I am camila.Shawn's girlfriend.then we walked to the kitchen.

Pause!wait a minute! What happened to my niece foot!?!asked aaliyah.

She fell off the tree. Say papa.

It is papa fault! He tolled me to get down. He did say how!then aaliyah punch papa arm.

Maxine,tell the truth.say camila
Then I did my puppy dog face.

Cammy,I am telling the truth.

Camila.you can't be falling it again.say papa.

But it is soo sad!say camila and aaliyah.

Well,the food done.say papa.we sat at the table.we sayed grace and dig in.he made mash potatoes with meatball ,cornbread and corn.I was eating when my ankle started to itch. I started to scratch it with my nail but the stupid cast boot is too tight for my hand to fit in.

Papa,my ankle itch.

Use a wire hanger.say aaliyah.

Do you even own one?asked camila.

I think I do.say papa.then we walked upstairs and came back with a wire hanger. I stick one in the boot and moved it a little.

That better.then after dinner I grab my pajamas and walked in the bathroom.wait,is the cast waterproof?

Papa!!!!then he ran into the bathroom.

What?asked papa.

Is this boot waterproof?

Yeah.say papa.

Okay. Now out.then he left and a took my shower. I got dress and walked to papa room.

Maxine, you shouldn't be walking without your crutches.say papa while typing on his laptop.

You not even looking at her shawn. say camila while leaning on the doorframe of the bathroom.

Didn't need to.I would have heard it.say papa.then I hop in the bed.

Maxine, don't take my spot.say camila.then I was about to but the stupid cast was heavy so it slow me down.camila sat in her spot.I pouted and cross my arms.

Stupid cast.then papa sighed and close his laptop. He placed to the side.

Come here.maxine.say papa.I came to him.he sit me next to him.

So,why you came in here for?asked papa.

To see you.

You see everyday say papa while raising a eyebrow.

I came in here cuz I felt like it.then he look at his phone.

Well,it way past your bedtime. You need to take shorter shower. Say papa.I rolled my eyes.

Night.say camila. Then I hop out the bed.

Good night. Love you. Say papa.then I went to my room.I toss and turn all night tiring to get comfortable. But this stupid boot is making my foot which is making me uncomfortable. This will be a long.

Adopted By Shawn Mendes (On Hold)Where stories live. Discover now