37.stop yelling

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Maxine pov

I woke up in my bed.I hop out of bed.I walked to the kitchen.I saw papa and Camila making out. I hate camila!then I grab the closest object.it was a shoe. I threw it at camila.

Ow!say camila while holding her forehead.

Maxine.Room.now.say papa.then I walked to my room.stupid camila.always annoying me with perfect hair.perfect face.agh!she too perfect! Then papa walked in the room.

Why?asked papa.

Because I wanted to.then he sat next to me.

Maxine, that was mean and you could have serious injury camila.say papa.that is the point!

But I didn't.then he lay me across his lap.

~100 later~

Corner in the living room.say papa. Then I went to the living room. I saw camila holding a ice pack on her head.she is so overdramatic! I went a corner.papa went to camila.

You okay?asked papa.

I think I got a headache. Say camila.I rolled my Eyes.then I
Walked outside to see my favorite tree has a tree house it in.I climbed up. I sat inside. It was empty. This is cool.

Maxine? Asked papa.I looked out the window.

Up here.

I see you like my gift to you.you can play in it later but you still have corner time.say papa.then I climbed down and went to the corner.

Shawn,I can you come here? Yelled camila from upstairs.

Yeah.say papa.then he went upstairs.

~10 mins later~

Papa didn't come back down yet.so,I went to my treehouse. I grab a knives from the kitchen. I carve my name in the wall of the treehouse.I lay on the floor on it.

This is nice.I can stay here forever.

~1 hour later~

Maxine!?!yelled papa.I woke up.I guess I fell asleep.


Time to get dress.say papa. I climbed down and went to my room.I got dress and went to papa room.he was tiring his shoes.I notice he have a small  reddish mark on his neck.

What that on your neck,papa?then camila walked out the bathroom and lean on the doorframe.

Yeah.shawn what is that?asked camila.

Well,I scratched my neck to hard.say papa.

Oh.well we are going? Then I grab the hair brush.

First I also need the comb to do your hair.and second we going to interview while you are going to my parents house.say papa.then I handed him the hair brush and comb.

Why I can't come with you?

Come here.say papa.then I sat on his lap.he started doing my hair.

Papa,you didn't answer my question.

Which was?asked papa.

Why can't I come?then he didn't answer. He continue doing my hair. I turned my head around to see him.

Are you ignoring my question?

Maxine, turn back around so I can do your hair. Say papa.then I hop off his lap and stood in front of him.

No.answer my question. Then I across my arms. Then he chuckled.


Sorry you look too cute right now.say papa.then he smiled.

Just answer my damn mother fucking question!!!then he got serious.he grab my wrist. He hit my bum.

Don't *smack* yelled *smack* or *smack* cuss *smack* at *smack* me.say papa.then he hit me 100 more times.

Now are you going to let me do your hair?asked papa.

No.until you tell me!then he hit me another 100 times.I was crying.

Stop yelling at me.say papa.

No!!then he hit me 200 times more. I was crying hard.

Stop yelling. Say papa.

No!until you tell me!then he hit me 100 more.I was crying so hard that I am out of breath.

If you stop yelling I will tell you. Will you stop yelling?asked papa. Then I nodded.he sat me on his lap.

You not coming with me because the tv show don't allow kids backstage.now calm down. You are turning red with all your crying. Say papa.then he rubbed my back until I calm down.

Now,I have to do your hair.say papa.

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