33.sick again?

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One week later
Maxine pov

Get up maxine. Time for school.say papa.I sat up and my head started hurt.I hissed.

What's wrong? Asked papa.

My head hurts.

You probably have a headache. You will be fine.say papa.then he walked to my bathroom medicine cabinet.I follow him.he gave me a pill.

That should help your headache. Say papa.then I got dress and want downstairs to the kitchen.I rubbed my forehead.

Maxine, you need to eat. Say papa.

My head hurts.

I know maxine but it will get better when medicine kicks in.say papa.I ate a piece of toast.

It needs to work faster.

Alright let go before I am late. Say papa.we hop in the car. We drove to my school.papa kiss my forehead.

Be good. Say papa.then I walk in the gym.I saw katie and Henry.

Maxine,I saw you on tv last night with dad.say katie.


You okay?asked henry.

No,I have headache.then katie hugged me.

Poor maxine.say katie.

Students line up. Say teacher.

This will be a long day.then we went to the classroom. I started getting cold.

Katie,are you cold?

No.why?asked katie.

Henry,are you cold?

No.say henry.

How you two not cold.it is freezing in here.

But you have a jacket on.Say henry.

Still cold.

Maybe you under a air vent. Say katie.we look up at the client. No air vent.

Well maybe it is just you. Say katie.

Maxine,katie,Henry. What are you talking about during my lesson?asked the teacher. I open my mouth to tell her a piece of my mind.but when I open my mouth my breakfast started coming up my throat. So,I ran to the trash can and threw up.

Katie,can you walk maxine to the nurse. Say teacher. We walk to nurse.

Feel better. Say katie. I sat on bed.

What happened? Asked nurse Becky.

Nurse, maxine threw up in class. And she says she is cold when we are not.say katie.

Thank you katie.say nurse. Then katie hugged then left. The nurse took my temperature.

You have a high fever. Say nurse. Then I ran to bathroom and threw up.I flush the toilet and wash my mouth.I walked back to the bed.

Your father is on his way.say the nurse.then I nodded.

You can take nap.it will help.say the nurse. I nodded. I laid my head on the pillow and fell asleep.

Shawn pov

Please have mercy on me
Take it easy on my heart
Even though you don't mean to hurt me
You keep tearing me apart
Would you please have mercy, mercy on my heart
Would you please have mercy, mercy on my heart.

Shawn,your phone is ringing. Say Karl,my DJ.so,I stop singing. I walked out the sound booth. I pick up my phone.

School:is this the guardian of maxine mendes.
Sch:your daughter is sick. So,can you come pick her up.
S:I am on my way.

Then I hanged up.

Karl,can we finish this next week?

Yeah.say karl.then I drove to the school.I walk in the front office.

I am here to pick up my child.

Name? Asked the secretary while batting her eyes and fake smiling at me.not a another crazy fan!

Maxine mendes.

So,you actually are shawn mendes!?!asked the secretary.

Yes. Now can you tell me where my daughter is?then she checked the computer and made a call.

She is in the nurse office. I can show you if you like?say the secretary.

No thank you.then I walk to the nurse office.

Guardian of maxine mendes? Asked the nurse.


She is laying down on bed. She has high fever.say the nurse.then i nodded.

Thank you.

And make sure you sign her out in the front office.say the nurse.I really don't want to see that secretary. Then I woke maxine up.

Papa?asked maxine.

Yeah.I am.time to go.sweetie. then I grab her backpack and her hand.we walked to the front office. I signed her out.

Your daughter is beautiful. Say the secretary.

Thank you.

You should call some time.say the secretary while writing something down on a paper.

No thank you.have a nice day.then we walk to the car.I buckle her in.maxine is bad.my poor troublemaker is sick.then I drove us home.I put maxine straight into bed.

Get rest maxine. Then I walked out of her room.

No!say maxine. Then I walked back in.


Don't leave. Stay.say maxine.

Maxine, you need some rest.

Cuddle. Say maxine. I love her but I really don't want to get sick.then I sat on her bed.maxine sat in my lap.I wrap my arms around her and rock gently.

~1 hour ~

I woke up with maxine on my lap. I heard my phone.I answer it.

Camila: can you open the door?I forgot my key.
C:what's wrong?
S:maxine is sick.
C: um.okay.but I don't see how that is stopping you from opening the door?
S:she on my lap.
C:so what I am supposed to do?
S:um....I guess I will open it for you.then I hanged up. I carefully laid maxine on her bed.I walked downstairs and open the door.

Thanks.say camila.

Maxine pov

Maxine, get up. It time to eat.say papa.i sat up and got a headache.then I ran to the bathroom and vomited. I wash my mouth. I climbed back in bed.

No.no.maxine you need to eat.say papa.

Fuck food. Then papa carried me to the kitchen. He placed me on a chair. I place my head on the table.

Maxine. Say papa.


Sit up. Say papa.then I sit up and he place a plate.it was a sandwich and grapes.I ate half of the sandwich and some grapes. when I feel it coming back up my throat. Then I ran to the bathroom.I vomited and wash my mouth.

And this is*cough* why I hate eating while *cough* being sick!

Maxine, stop yelling. You hurt your throat more. Say papa.

I am *cough* to bed.then I hop in bed.

Adopted By Shawn Mendes (On Hold)Where stories live. Discover now