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One week later
Maxine pov

please can i go to danny house!?!

No.say papa.


Because it is a school night.say papa while looking on his phone.

Please, I will behave.then he gave me the why-you-lieing look.

Okay.maybe I lieing but I want to go.

10 from lieing. Say papa.

I want to hang out with danny.

No.say papa. Then I stomped my feet to my room.

You better the attitude before I fix it for you.say papa.

Fuck you!

Thats 250 more!yelled papa.

I don't give a fucking care!

That 350 more.say papa.he walked to my room and leaned on the door frame.

Get out!

Stop yelling.say papa.

Fuck you!

400 more.plus soap.say papa.soap?please not the soap.

Now I think you should get ready for bed.say papa.

By it is- checks phone- 5pm.

You are going to bed early.now go shower. And make sure to wash your hair correctly this time.I will check before bed.say papa.then he left my room.I took my shower and wash my hair. Put on my PJs. I went to papa room.he was sitting on his bed on his laptop.

Do my hair.then he raise a eyebrow.

Please.then he chuckled.

Sure.come here.say papa.then he put the laptop beside him.I give him the hair stuff.he started combing my hair.


Sorry maxine, but I have to get the tangles out. Say papa.by the time he put my hair in ponytail.I was crying hard.he hugged me.

Now,let me see you broke the rules.which means?say papa.

I am in trouble.

Yup.you getting 1,010.say papa.

No.I am sorry.then he lay across his lap. He smack my bum 500 times. Then he pulled down my PJs bottoms.he smack my bum 500 times more.then he pulled down my underwear he smacked my bum with the hairbrush 10 times.and he did it. harder.I was crying hard.

Now,you phone. Say papa.papa since I am too old for corner time.I need to give him a phone when I am trouble.

But-then he smack my bum again.he pulled up my underwear and bottoms. I give him my phone.

Now,calm down.say papa.then he rubbed my back until I was calm.

Lets go have dinner.say papa.then he walked the kitchen.I slowly walked to the kitchen. I hissed every time I walked.He place my plate on the table.

Sit maxine.say papa.


Sit.say papa. I pouted. I hissed when my booty touch the seat.

Maybe you will learn your lesson.say papa.I rolled my eyes.After dinner I brushed my teeth.Papa walked in my bathroom.


Did you forget already? Asked papa.forget?....... Oh...no!

Yup. Now. Sit.say papa.I put the toilet lid down and sat.papa put the bar of soap in my mouth.

Two mins.say papa.how come soap smell so good but taste so bad!after two mins.he took the soap out of my mouth and threw it away.I wash my mouth. I hop in my bed.papa kissed my forehead. He was about to leave my room.

Wait,come here.then he walked back to my bed.I kissed his forehead. He smiled a little.

Night.say papa.then he left my room.I stay up texting danny.

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