42.cycle or cuddle

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2 years later
Maxine pov

Danny: then I say to him.'shove mountain Everest up your behind'
Maxine: lol.I am planning to prank my dad than.
Danny: tell me!

Maxine,off the phone. Say papa while placing food in front of me.

I will.

Maxine:not yet.
Danny: plz!

Then papa took my phone.I pouted.

Eat.say papa.then I crossed my arms.

Don't give me an attitude.say papa.

I want my phone.

Eat.you can get your phone afterwards. Say papa.then I stood up and began to walked out.

Young lady,if you don't sit down and eat.I will spank you.say papa.then my heart dropped.my bum is still recovering from last night spanking.

You wouldn't.

Try me. Say papa.then I ran out the kitchen.he caught me and brought me to the living room.he sit down and lay across his lap.

500 for running. 100 for disobeying. Say papa.

Please! I need to able to sit at school.

You should have thought of that before you disobeyed. Say papa.

500 later~

My bum is burning.

100 later~

Now get in the car.say papa.then I slowly walked to the car.I hissed when I sat on seat in car.

Maybe you will learn your lesson.say papa.I glared at him.he drove me to school.

Love you.say papa.I glared at him.I love you too but ain't going to tell you that.I grab my backpack and walk in.I sat in class next to katie and Henry.

You okay?asked henry.

No,apparently. She got in trouble before school.say katie.

And that's why she my bestie.

Why you got in trouble? Asked henry.

I didn't eat.so he took my phone.I "caught"an attitude with him.

How many times?asked katie.


Poor baby.say katie.she hugged me.

You need to stop getting on your father bad side.say Henry.

Sorry Henry. Not anyone can be goody two shoes like you.

Chill,drama mama.say katie.

Sorry. I don't know what come over me.

You got your period yet?asked katie.

No.I am afraid when it does come.

Why y'all always talk about girl problems around me?asked henry.

Cuz you are our best friend. Say katie.

~at lunch ~

I was so mad.I threw my book at my mother face but miss.it was bittersweet.say katie.

How was it bitter- then I turned pale as ghost.

What's wrong?asked henry.

Guys.restroom.now.then we quickly went in the restroom.

Katie,I am not supposed be in here.say Henry.I ran into the restroom to see blood on my underwear.

Katie,I think I am having my period!?!

What!?!so unfair!you got your first! Say katie.

Now,I am really uncomfortable. Say Henry.

Shut up.say katie and me.

What are suppose to do,katie?

Hold on.I am thinking of what my mother sayed!say katie.

What did she say!

She sayed if I ever got my period during school go to the nurse.say katie.

Um katie.we a have bigger problem. The blood leak to my jeans!then I walked out of the stall.

tie your jacket around your waist.say katie.

It got blood on it when I sitting down.

And I didn't bring my jacket today.say katie.

Here.borrow my hoodie.say henry.then I tie it around my waist.

I will walk you to the nurse. Say katie.

Wait, what if someone see me?

They won't. Say katie.then we went to the nurse.

What's is problem? Asked nurse.

She just started her period. Say katie.I got embarrassed.

It is okay sweetie.come sit down. Say the nurse. I sat on the table.

Honey,you can go back to class.say nurse. Katie gave the do-you-want-me-to-go look.I nodded.then she left.

Did leak through your clothes? Asked nurse.I started silently crying. Then she rub my shoulder.

It is okay.stuff happens.I will called your parents. Say nurse. Papa, will have to see me like this?!?I started crying harder.

Shawn pov

it's that I hate to hurt you
But I got to be honest
I can't give you what you need
You deserve more than I can promise
And I'm just tryna, I'm just tryna
Baby, I'm just tryna be honest
I'm tryna be honest with ya
You know that I'm sorry
But I'm tryna be honest with ya

Then I wrote in down on my notepad.when my phone rang.

Shawn: hello?
School: are you the guardian of maxine mendes?
Sch: um your daughter had a menstrual cycle today.so can you come get her?
Shawn: I am on the way.
Sch: bring her some more clothes,too.
Shawn: will do.

Then I hang up.I went to maxine room and grab some more clothes for maxine.poor maxine.I drove the school.

Hello I am here to get maxine mendes.

she is in the nurse office. Say the sectary. Then I walked in the nurse office.i saw maxine crying in her hands.I rubbed her back.she look at me.

Here some more clothes and a pad.then she quickly took out of my hands went to the bathroom. I sign the nurse paper.then maxine walked out the restroom.she look sad.

Let's go.then we hop in the car.she seat in the back.

You don't want to sit in front?Then she shook her head.please don't go mute again!she brought her knees to her chest. I drove home. When we got home maxine when to her room.I asked my sister for help.I called her.

Shawn: hello?
Aaliyah: long time,no see
Shawn: I see you like last week.
A: What'cha want?
S: maxine got her cycle.
A: what!??poor baby.
S: is getting cycles that bad?
A: it all depends on the girl.just be ready for mood swings,sweet craving, and a lot cuddles.
S: any tips.
A: she need to take two aspirin with water that should help the cramps.
S: okay.
A:did you buy tampons and pads?
S:yeah one small pack of pads
A: you five pack of pads and five tampons.
S: why soo many?
A: maxine will thank me later.
S: thanks.
A: no problems.

Then she hang up.

Papa!yelled maxine.I grab the aspirin and a bottle of water.I walk to maxine room.


I have the pain in my stomach and it hurts.say maxine.

That is called a cramp.here take this it was help the pain.then I gave her two aspirin and the water bottle.She took it.

Cuddle with me.say maxine.then I lay next to her and wrapped my arm around her.

Adopted By Shawn Mendes (On Hold)Where stories live. Discover now