13.night owl

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That night
Maxine pov

i walk to my room and took my shower.i hop in my bed and turn the tv on.then papa walk in and turned my tv off.

Ayee,i was watching that.

Too bad.time for bed.say papa while tucking me in and kiss my forehead.

Night.love you.then he turn the light off.

Love you too.then he close my door.after 10 mins of tossing and turning. I decided to go outside. So,i quietly walk downstairs. I walk pass the living room.

Nene,why you not in bed?say papa.i turn to him.he was sitting down with the laptop on his lap.he was just wearing pajama pants.

Where your shirt?

Maxine, answer me. Say papa.

Papa,answer me.

Maxine. Say papa.

Fine. Because i couldn't sleep.

Where down here? Asked papa.

No.no.no.you have to answer my question.

I don't have a shirt on because i like sleeping like this.say papa.(a/n do you think a father should have a shirt when their daughter is present?)

But you not in your bed.

Maxine, why you down here?asked papa.

Because i was hungry.

Maxine diamond mendes do not lie to me!come here. Say papa while placing the laptop on the table.then i walk to him.he grab my hand and hit my bum twice.

Tell me the truth. Say papa.then he let go of my hand.

I want to go outside.

Why?asked papa.

Cuz i am bored.

Go to bed. Say papa.then i walk to his room.i slept on his bed.

~1 hr later~

Maxine,get your bed.Say papa.

Really?you woke me up out my sleep to get in my bed?!

Yes.say papa.

Fuck you.then i turn to my other side. I heard him sighed. He carried me to my bed.after he close my door.i hop out my bed and climb in the vents. I crawled to papa room vent.i saw he was sitting in bed on playing on his phone.i quietly open the vent and jump to the floor quietly. I sat on the edge of the bed facing him.

What happened to going to bed?then he screamed and fell out of the bed.i laughed.

You scared me.say papa.i shrugged.

Why you not in bed?asked papa.

I can't sleep.

Come here.say papa.i moved next to him.he sat me on his lap and hugged me.

Adopted By Shawn Mendes (On Hold)Where stories live. Discover now