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Maxine pov

Maxine get up.say papa.

No the fuck away.

Maxine. Say papa.I did the middle finger.then he ripped my sheets off me.he hit my bum five times.

Up.say papa.

No.now gimme fucking my blanket.

Come here.now.say papa.then I came to him.he lay me across his lap.he hit my bum 10 times.

Why you in trouble? Asked papa.

Cuz you don't want me to sleep.then he hit me 20 more times.

Now, give me the correct answer. Say papa.

Fuck you!then he hit me 100 times.

Corner.kitchen.say papa.then I went the corner in the kitchen.he started cooking.he was washing out the pans.when my bladder started saying"go pee"


Maxine, you can't talk while in corner and sit down. Say papa while looking in the fridge.

But papa-

Sit down.say papa.


Maxine. Say papa.then I sit down and crossed my legs. I tried to hold it but this cold floor not helping me.I started do the alphabet backwards to get the pain off my bladder.

Morning maxine. Say camila.she scared the pee out of me.literally! Then I started crying.

Morning camila.say papa.then I heard them kiss.

I am to hanging out with girls today.so,see you later.say camila.then I heard her leave.

Maxine,your time is up.say papa. Then he noticed I was crying.

What happened?asked papa.

I pissed myself.

Maxine, why didn't you tell me?asked papa.

I tried but you kept interrupting me.

I am so sorry.go get clean. I will clean this up.say papa.then I went to my bathroom. I took a shower. I dried off and put on another pair of my pajamas.I walk out the bathroom. I saw papa sitting on my bed.

I am so sorry.I should have payed attention to you. I should listen to you.do you forgive me?asked papa.

Yeah.then I hugged him.

Let go eat.say papa.then he carry me the kitchen. He fixed me a plate of pancake.

So,maxine we are going shopping for us to wear from the people choice awards.so,please behavior and stay close to me.say papa.then I finished eating.we got dress and went to the car.

Maxine, buckle up.say papa


For safety. Say papa.then I buckle up.

Papa,can you sing for me?

Maybe later. I need focus on the road.say papa.then he turn on the radio.what is the fun of having famous singer as your father.if he don't want to sing. Then we arrive at outlet mall.we walk the path. Papa grab my hand. We walked to Calvin Klein store.

Shawn mendes. Pleasure to meet you. I am Wes.I will be helping you. Say Wes.I don't like wes.he is too happy.

Well,I looking for something to wear for a award show.say papa.

I think I got your suit.say Wes.Wes walk off to another part of the store.he came with a suit.papa went in the dressing room.

Hey little girl.what is your name?asked Wes.I glared at him.

Okay.calm down.I was just asking for your name.geez.say Wes.papa walk out.he was wearing black jacket with dark blue shirt and black pants.

How do I look?asked papa.

Nice.say Wes.then I raise my eyebrow. Then he went back in the dressing room.Wes went off to another part of the store. I pick the lock to papa dressing. He putting his shirt on.

I want to leave.

Maxine, we will.I just have pay this.say papa while putting on his shoes.then he payed for it and we walked to jcpenny. Papa pick out a dress.

No.I don't want a dress.I want some pants.

Come on.you didn't even try it on.say papa.then I sighed and nodded. Then we walked around and papa pick out more dresses.papa handed me a dress. I try it on.it was too fluffy!

Maxine, you got it on? Asked papa.

I don't like it.

Let me see.say papa.

No I hate it.

Please.we can cuddle later.if you show me.say papa.then I walked out.

It beautiful on you

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It beautiful on you.say papa.

I hate it.I can't see my feet.and my arms are out.

Maxine,you look beautiful. Say papa.I rolled my eyes and and changed back in normal clothes.

Can we get McDonald while we are out here?

We ate before we came here.say papa.


No.say papa.

This that your final answer?then I smirk.

Maxine,you better not.say papa.then he grabbed my hand and I try get out of his grip on my hand.but I failed.

Maxine, stop. Say papa.then I stopped. He payed for the clothes.we walked to entrance when some fans walk to papa.

Can I get a selfie? Asked the girl.

Sure.say papa.then the girls and her friends took a selfie with papa.then they left. We walked to the car.I open the car door and miss step. I bang my knee on the floor.


You okay?asked papa.

Yeah.I accidentally bang my knee on the floor.then papa look at my knee.

You fine. Say papa.then he place me in the my seat.


I walk in papa room to see camila cuddling papa.

Papa,can you tuck me in?then he looked confused. I never ask for him to tuck in.I normally just say good night and go to bed.

Um..sure.say papa.then we went to my room.

Can you cuddle with me?

Maxine. I see what you did there.say papa.

Did what?

You wanted camila stop cuddling me. So,you call me in here to have me to yourself. Say papa.then he lay on my bed.I snuggle next to him.

My little jealous troublemaker. Say papa.

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