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I never thought that high school could bring such different and wonderful things into my life.

The way I used to go about school was to go in, finish the day and leave. I avoided most people because I cared too much of what they would think of me.

I avoided the athletes because they would push me to the floor.

They stereo typed me as 'nerd' or 'geek' because I wear glasses, which I might add it pretty absurd.

They tease me because some of them know.

I've never been in love before.

Yes, I do love my family dearly. And I do love my friends.

But I've never felt what it feel like to be so in love with someone. I've never known how it felt to put someone's happiness before your own.

And lots of times, I ask myself, what is love?

Then I asked who I knew. Who I acquainted with.

Some of them already had/have significant others and these are the two things that they have told me.

From the good news, I heard that it could be one of the best things that would ever happen to you. That it'll leave you breathless and amazed at how another person could be your happiness.

From what I've heard that's bad, it could break your heart into a million pieces and then leave you to pick up the pieces. Though, I'm not really sure what they meant by that.

I'm guessing that it's both, considering that people have what they believe being in love is.

But I guess I'll just end up having to find out for myself.

Sooner or later.

What is love? [laurmau ff] ✔️Where stories live. Discover now