Lockdown pt. 1 [14]

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Laur: hey aph. Srry I was driving.

Aph: it's fine.

Laur: about that deal stuff.

Aph: you knew?

Laur: rumors flew around like bees

Aph: oh.

I walked into my house and started walking up the stairs.

Laur: I didn't believe it until I saw it...

Laur: and I felt terrible because I knew why you were doing it too....

Aph: how did you find all of this out?

Laur: Lucinda and Katelyn went up to me and we talked about stuff on the rooftop and yeah. It's a long story.

I tripped over a stair and almost fell. My heart raced as I groaned, fixing my glasses.

Aph: wow! They brought you up to the rooftop?!

Laur: lol yeah.

Aph: that means they really trust you.

Laur: they do?

Aph: we keep the rooftop a secret.

Not keeping my eyes off my phone, I threw my bags on the side and fell onto my bed.

Laur: ohh. Okay.

Aph: yeah.

Laur: it's amazing that them three did all that.

Aph: they told me it's a place where you can go to get away from things.

Laur: do you go there often?

Aph: I'm new, so no, not really. They only showed it to me recently.

Laur: I see.

Aph: well, I'm going to go study for the AP Chem test....ill ttyl.

Laur: okay. Bye.

I threw my phone in frustration, with the same question wondering my mind.

How do I feel about her?

I groaned and felt exhausted at the same time. I went to the bathroom to shower so it would wake me up.


I sat on my desk, staring down at my AP Chem textbook.

I yawned and got up thinking that I studied enough.

Considering that the material isn't that hard I should be okay.

I placed my phone in its charger and drifted off to sleep like it was nothing at all.


The alarm on my phone went off and it did repeatedly until Cadenza came in and silenced it.

"Laurance wake up." She said pushing me gently.

I groaned and tried to open my eyes.

"What time is it?" I asked.

"6:25 she said."

I tried to sit up but there was pain in my back and shoulders.

I winced, and braced myself.

That didn't do me any good either because my arms were in the same pain my shoulders and back were in.

Yesterday is coming back to haunt me.

And it hurts like hell.

"Looks like yesterday was a workout for you." Cadenza smiled.

I nodded my head.

"That's good. It means that you're getting stronger." She said, the same smile curving her lips.

I chuckled slightly. "I know Cadenza."

"Well you need to get ready." She crossed her arms in a jokingly manner.

I rolled my eyes and walked out of my room.

"How come your legs don't hurt?" She asked.

"Because from three years of being bullied, you learn how to run." I shrugged and headed for the bathroom.


I spent most of art class massaging my arms and my palms.

"Are you okay?" The familiar hazel eyes poked at me.

I nodded my head.

"You sure?" She asked, slightly brushing the top of my hand.

I nodded and gave a reassuring smile. "I was training with Katelyn yesterday." I finally said.

She looked shocked.

"Well, that's good for you...." She said trailing off.

I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion. "What's wrong?"

She just shook her head.

"Aph." I said intertwining my fingers with hers.

"Look, I just don't want you turning into one of those guys." She sighed.

I started drawing random things into her palm.

"What do you mean those guys?" I asked.

"The douchey ones." She said almost turning into a giggle.

I chuckled. "I'm not.  I promise."

She smiled.

I felt that same weak feeling in my stomach and my heart raced.


"You must be really sore." Katelyn said smiling.

I nodded my head furiously.

"It sucks."

"Well that's what happens when you don't evenly exercise." She shrugged.

I groaned.

"All students please report to the nearest classroom. I repeat, all students please report to the nearest classroom." The intercom announced.

"Katelyn...." I said.

"What's going on?" She asked slamming her locker shut.

Everybody started to walk into the nearest classroom with confused looks.

"The schools going into a lockdown."

A/n babyduckyyy has writers block lol hope you all enjoyed!


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