Surprise [30]

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The night before graduation.

"Leona, why am I starting to fade?" I ask, seeing the floor through my hand.

"Is there a light?"

I shake my head.

"You're probably waking up!" She squealed.

"What if I don't remember-"

"Relax Aphmau, you'll be fine. I'll see you soon someday Aphmau."

I wave to Leona, fading away completely. I feel the presence of my body as I open my eyes, seeing the hospital.

I see my mom sleeping on the chair. I check the time, seeing that it's 9:45, just before visiting hours are over.

I decide to call out to her. "M-Mom?" I rasp.

She flinches before waking up. "Aphmau? Aphmau?!" She shouts before hugging me.

"Mija I thought you weren't going to come back to me?" She says, holding on tight.

She stares at me in shock. "Do you remember me?"

I nod me head.

"What about Laurnace and Garroth and all your friends?" She asks.

I think about Laurance. He's my boyfriend. Then Garroth, Katelyn and Travis.

I kinda forget the rest.

"I-I remember Garroth, Katelyn, Travis and of corse Laurnace. But I can't really recall anyone else. Maybe if I saw them I would be able to. "

She nods, tears streaming down her cheeks. "Nurse!"

The nurse came in, we did a bunch of tests which took forever and she asked me if I wanted to eat.

I nodded and thanked her when I got my food.

"What's the date?" I ask.

My mom looks at the time.

"It's may thirtieth. Tomorrow is-"

"My graduation!" I shout, spotting the purple gown and cap.

Mom nodded, happy tears streaming down her face. "You're valedictorian."

I nod.  I remember that vividly.

She gasps.  "I have to call Laurnace!"

I stop her smirking.  "No- don't!" I whisper shout.

Her smile fades.  "W-Why not?"

"Because we are going to surprise him tomorrow." I say, stuffing my face with food.

"He's gonna come visit you tomorrow."

"Just make up a lie and say that the visiting hours are over."

She smiles and nods.  "Alright I guess."

"When can we go home?" I ask.

"Tomorrow morning."

I smile beige heading to sleep.

Tomorrow was a very big day.


"Mom are you ready?" I ask, sitting in a wheel chair, carrying flowers.

She nods before walking alongside me.

We take the elevator down, then walk the ha and soon were out.

My mom grabs the car keys as I take a deep breath. 

"It'll be fine." She reassures me.

I smile and nod, before getting into the backseat, buckling up as soon as I could.

Then we headed home.

I was going to be there at my graduation. 

And I wasn't going to miss it. 

Like how I did with prom.

I sigh, checking my social medias, making sure not to like anything.

My phone was blown up with 'get well soon' and 'I'm sorry for your loss' messages mixed up.

The car ride wasn't as rough as I though.  Though it was kinda scary getting into one again.

"Get into the house quick and from the back door.  Make sure Laurnace isn't in there too." My mom adds. 

I nod before swiftly making my way toward the back door.

I gingerly twist the knob, making the door open silently. 

Laurance wasn't in the living room or the kitchen. 

The bathroom was clear. 

All that was left was upstairs. 

I crept up the stairway steadily, making sure to watch my step before I trip.

Bea she it's still the same old clumsy me.

I twist the doorknob gently, opening the door.

The coast was clear.

I smiled and walked into my room, seeing it dustier then before but still the same.

I grab my makeup bag and curing iron as I tune on the shower.

I haven't had one in four months.


I shudder at the thought. 


I get ready as I add finishing touches, making sure I was satisfied with everything.

Mom comes running up the stairs telling me to put my things away and hide, assuming that Laurnace was here.

I do it swiftly, as I enter my closet, hearing footsteps come up the stairs.

I hear nothing but whispers.

Then my door closes.

I sigh, knowing that the coast is clear, heading out from my closet.

I'll see you up there giving your speech baby.

A/n: one chapter left, then the epilogue.  I hope you guys enjoyed this story.  Sorry if it has come to a short end :(

Love you all!

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