Do I?[13]

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School was miserable.

I couldn't talk to him.

I couldn't sit by him.

All because I like him.


"What's wrong princess?" Aaron asked snapping me back into reality.


He looked back, and pulled me closer to him.

While he was talking about him being the quarter back, I looked back and saw him.

He looked just as miserable as me. 

My heart sank and I kept my head down.

I got out of Aaron's embrace and excused myself to the bathroom.

My footsteps were heavy and tears were flowing.

I was assuming that nobody was in there but I still kept my sobs as quiet as possible.


Why does it have to be this way?

Why did I take the stupid deal?

Why do I care so much?

I buried my face in my hands that were already covered in tears.

Why do I like him?

It's not a whole lot, but it grows more and more for him everyday.

I sobbed more.

"Aph?" A familiar light blue haired girl asked.

"Yeah?" I said my voice acted like I wasn't crying at all.

"Aph, we know you're in there and you're not okay." Lucinda said walking closer.

I unlocked the door and went into the embrace of my two best friends.

"Aphmau if you don't like Aaron, you don't have to take on this deal." Katelyn said stroking my hair.

"Yeah. A relationship is meant for two people that you know, are in love with each other." Lucinda said smiling.

I let out a pained laugh. "B-but Laurance–"

"He's going to be fine aph. And plus, I'm gonna teach him some tips on how to rough someone up and we're going to get you out of this mess." Katelyn winked.

I laughed.

"I don't know what to say."

"You don't have to say anything aph." Lucinda smiled and pulled us all into a hug.



I'm in the gym.

I felt weird in there.

Like I didn't belong.

What is love? [laurmau ff] ✔️Where stories live. Discover now