Snowy Memories [18]

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Two months later..


Two months.

It hasn't been that long.  It's now December.  It hasn't started to snow just yet and Aphamu's waiting for it too.

The door opened revealing Aphmau's mom. I gave a toothy smile.

"Hi, Mrs Phoenix."

She smiled. "Hello Laurance."

She stepped aside letting me in.  Aphmau's mom was so excited knowing that she had a boyfriend. 

She said that she was glad she wasn't going to die alone with seven cats or something like that. 

Aphamu came running down the stairs. 

"Hey!" She squealed, hugging me.

I wrapped my arms around her torso, kissing the top of her head. 

"Hi, sweetheart." I grinned.

She started to blush, ten grabbed my hand and pulled me upstairs.

We got to her room and I say on one of her comfy chairs.  "I'm waiting for it to snow." She finally confessed.

"It can any day now."

"Yeah and it's freezing." She said hugging herself on top of the bed.

"Hey." I said walking over to her, engulfing he run my arms.  She was cold.  Very cold.

"You're warm." She giggled.

"I know."

"What time is it?" She asked.

I looked at my watch.  10:17 AM.

"10:17" I replied.

"Okay..." She sleepily replied.

I kissed her temple.  "I'll wake you up at noon."


"Aphmau it's noon~" I sang shaking her slightly so she would wake up.

"Mmhm? Good morning." She rasped.

"Afternoon to you too." I smiled.



"Do you know What love is yet?" She asked, curiousness in her eyes.

I started to turn a slight shade of pink. "I mean, kinda I know that I love you, but just because you love someone doesn't mean that you know what love truly is. " I stated.

"Y-You love me?" She stammered.

"More then anything." I whispered.

"I-I love you too."

Our lips collided, sparks flying everywhere.


"Laurnace grab your coat." Aphmau said, grabbing a couple of her things.

What is love? [laurmau ff] ✔️Where stories live. Discover now