Her Side[6]

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I couldn't bear to see his face.

I saw him get beat up and knocked out by that Aaron dude.

And his other friends.

I feel like I care too much.

Too much for animals, for people, for everything in general.

It's a trait that's both a blessing and a curse.  I get myself hurt caring for people who don't care about me.

I learned that the hard way.

The nurse said that there has been worse incidents with him and Aaron before, she mentioned a lot of times actually.

He had cuts on his face and his sides.

And I stayed and watched.

Sure, I didn't know him that well. I also don't know why he gets beaten up.  Why would someone want to hurt someone who was as nice as him?

My Irene, he doesn't deserve this.

He's such a good guy.

When he asked what was wrong, I could barley answer.  How would I be able to answer?  I barley know him.

The thing that was nice is that he noticed.

He noticed something was wrong.

And he didn't ignore it either. He is observant, quiet, clever, smart and so many other wonderful things.

Not to mention, he also has the looks.

It kind of breaks me to hear people talking bad about him.

He didn't do anything.

All he's doing is being himself and I don't get why he needs to be punished for that.  Nobody needs to go though that type of heart ship.

Sometimes, I feel like nothing makes sense anymore.

It kinda reminds me of the saying,

Good people under bad leadership do terrible things.

To me that makes a lot of sense.

"What do you see in Laurance?"

"I don't even like–"

"Please don't tell me that lame excuse."

"Well I don't so..."

"Well yeah, you don't yet."

"So what is it?"

"It's just that, he's got this personality....I like his sense of humor, he's observant, not to mention he has really nice eyes and a nice smile."

"Keep going."

"He's quiet, which to me, kinda makes him mysterious to me. He usually keeps to himself, which I understand because people beat him up all the time.  He's really good person."

"I've seen him around, he doesn't talk a lot at all."

"Yeah. He's like that with most people."

"What do you mean most people?"

"He talks to me."

"I feel like there's something you're not telling me." She fixed her light blue hair.

"I'm telling you all that I know and think."

Or am I?



I lay flat on my bed.

Thinking what could possibly cause her to act the way she did.

She looks better when she's smiling.

It kinda tugged on my heart knowing how she is.

Maybe she was just tired


That's never the reason.

I should jaunt stop worrying about it because I barley know her.

Why did she wait with me in the nurses?

Oh my Irene, did she see me knocked out?

It doesn't matter.

It never does.

She's the only girl that has ever tried to really talk to me.

And Irene knows why.

She's starting to grow on me though. It's nice knowing that she cares.

It's nice knowing more then one person at school cares.

But do I care?

I couldn't answer that.

And sometimes, I just wanted to.  But I remember how hard it can end up biting you back in the future.

I care too little. I don't show any affection for girls at school.

Cadenza is family, so that's different.

But Aphmau is just something else.

What is love? [laurmau ff] ✔️Where stories live. Discover now