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I've heard rumors.

Not good ones either.

Aphmau Phoenix.

"She's so lucky she gets to go it with that total Hottie. She's new and I've been here since freshman year!"

"I knew she would come to her senses and quit wasting her time on that nerd boy."

"I think they're cute together. I men's opposites attract right?"

I usually just brush off the rumors because they usually didn't matter.

But I didn't brush off this one.

Every time I hear another rumor, my heart would drop, then my blood would boil.

I mean it couldn't be true.

She punched him in the face for me.

She hated him.

How could she date him?

Just ask her.

Shut up sub conscious, it's not that simple, I gave her space because I think she needed some.


Someone else sat next to me in all the classes I had with her.

She didn't speak to me.

She didn't look at me.

And something that bothered me the most,

She didn't smile.

My heart sank a little.

I shut my locker a little louder than it needed to me and saw Lucinda and Katelyn outside my locker.

"You're mad about it too huh?" She asked putting her light blue hair up into a ponytail.

"Mad about what?" I asked trying to play it off cool.

"Don't do that." Lucinda said giving me a look then glaring at them.

I sighed. "I've heard rumors–"

"They're all true." Katelyn cut me off shaking her head.

I took in a shuddered breath.

"We'll talk more later after school. Meet us on the rooftop." Lucinda said smiling and emitting  the particles off her hands.

"Why the rooftop?" I asked.

"You'll see." They said walking away.

All of my classes were miserable without Aphmau sitting by me.

It felt like I had nobody.

It was last period, and I had AP calculus and the bell rang.

I saw her stand up and walk out of the classroom, Aaron waiting for her on the side.

What is love? [laurmau ff] ✔️Where stories live. Discover now