Cuddles [16]

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she finished her last problem and slid the textbook off her bed.

She fell back next to me.

"What do you wanna do?" She asked.


"Okay. "

She grabbed her remote and turned on her Netflix. She just chose something random because we weren't really going to watch a movie.



"What does love feel like?" I asked turning red.

She pulled her head down and thought for a short while before answering.

"You get butterflies around them and they're like your best friend. You'd do anything for them and you'll get jealous. It's pretty cool." She looked up at me and she turned her AC on.

"How do you know if you're in love?" I faintly asked, embarrassed.

"You'll just know."

That weak feeling in my stomach I would get is butterflies?

Yes, you dingus.

She scooted closer to me and rested her head on my shoulder.

I laced my hands with hers and we both turned red as tomatoes.

"Laurance what are we?" She finally asked.

I shrugged.

"I don't even know." I answered bluntly.

"You don't know?!" She said looking up at me.

I nodded.

"Does any of this mean anything to you?" She asked letting go of my hand.

"What do you mean?"

"You're so shut down about your feelings. Laurance what does this mean to you? Cause it means a damn lot to me." She said tears welling up in her eyes.

Looking at her like that was worse then taking an uppercut from Aaron.

"This means everything to me. You mean everything to me, Aphmau. I'm so shut down because I don't know what I'm feeling if I knew I would explain but I can't..."


"No. Aphmau, what is love? I don't understand. I feel it. And I know that I do because every single time I'm near you, I just wanna hug you and kiss you and call you mine but I can't because I have no chance with you and I have no idea how you feel about me and–"

I was cut off by a pair of lips smashed onto mine.

I kissed back, feeling her tear stained cheeks against mine.

They were incredibly soft and I felt sparks fly all around us.

We were standing up, by the side of her bed from that little argument.

I wrapped my arms around her torso and she wrapped her arms around my neck.

We released and I cupped her cheek, wiping away the tears with my thumb.

She gave a weak smile.

"Hey, that's my thing." I said.

She finally smiled more before she said something again.

"Does that tell you how I feel?" She asked, leaning her cheek into my hand.

I nodded before pressing my lips onto hers again.

"Cuddles?" She asked innocently.

I nodded. She crawled into the bed and I tackled her into a hug.

She was giggling uncontrollably after I got to my side of the bed.

She turned on her side and I wrapped my arms around her. She nuzzled her head into my chest as a started to run my fingers through her hair.

"Where are your parents?" I whispered in her ear.

"Parent." She corrected. "She's not gonna be home for the next couple of weeks." I felt her smile against my chest.

"You sneaky little thing." I continued to play with her hair.

"What are we now?" She asked.

I sighed.

"We're low-key." I whispered.

She nodded and started to doze off.


I felt something cold against me before fluttering my eyes open.

I checked the time

2:42 AM

I checked my surrounding and saw a shivering Aphmau curled up next to me.

I immediately got up and searched for my bag. She stirred before opening her eyes.

"You weren't planning to bail right?" She asked curling up more.

I shook my head and smiled.

I pulled out my hoodie and handed it to her.

"You were freezing." I said.

"I know. Is the AC still on?" She asked.

I looked at the green light that said 58 on it and reached to turn it off.

She nodded to me and waited until I got into bed.

"Thank you." She smiled cuddling up next to me.

"Anything for you." I replied kissing her forehead.

Nuzzled up next to me and we dozed off together.

And I wouldn't have it any other way.

What is love? [laurmau ff] ✔️Where stories live. Discover now