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Today is the day.

The day that I always hoped for.

It's my graduation.

I really hoped that it would be with her.  Hopefully i'll get to see her after it's done and maybe she'll wake up.

I really hoped that she would be.

the doctors said that she had a good chance of waking up.  They also said that memory loss is possible too.

I smile to myself as I look at all of my friends waiting for me.

"Laurance, we're going to take pictures, c'mon!" Garroth shouts.

I just nod, jogging over to them, standing by Garroth.  All of our parents were lined up with their phones as we just stood still and smiled.

I handed my phone over.  "Silvana, can you take a couple funny ones of us?" 

She smiled and nodded, taking the phone with care.  She slid up the camera.  

"Everybody do a pose!" Lucinda shouts, making duck lips and throwing up a peace sign.  Travis went into a prayer position, swatting down.  i made a face and threw bunny ears over someone's head.

We ended up taking a bunch with different poses.  I sent them to everybody and we headed off to school.

I've gotten used to the car and car rides.  I used to hate them but now i'm actually okay with driving on my own.

My mom was very concerned with it at first.  But knowing that my dad wasn't going to be on the road anytime soon made her feel more calm.

He had to pay for almost everything.  Even the car replacement and most of Aphmau's medical bills.

Even though we're both covered my insurance.

I made my way to the school,  mom in the passenger seat and Cadenza in the back.  I drove steadily and peacefully.


"Now for our valedictorian speech, Lauurance Zvahl." My principal said, giving a welcoming smile.

I get to the podium and see many eyes.  I get nervous so I just focused on the ones that I knew well.

"This year has been full of very different things.  Good and bad.  Memories were made, tears were shed, it's sometimes gotten bumpy along the road.  But we're all standing here, today in this very room ready to move onto the next step of our lives."  I take a breath and pause.

I look at some parts of the speech.  "It wasn't easy.  It was long, hard and stressful.  But that's what we've been prepared to do.  We were put through all of this so that we would be able to deal with it later when it gets harder.  We all did amazing."

I smile.  "Another person was actually tied with me for Valedictorian....She unfortunately is not here with us today but she deserves to be mentioned also.  she is loved by many, almost too many." I smile, seeing the crowd give a small chuckle.

"Aphmau Phoenix is my everything.  She may also have been you guys' friend or helper, maybe tutor.  But she is one of the most amazing people I know...... She deserves to be known today."

people made space in a spot and I froze.

I was dreaming.

This is Irene playing some type of trick on me right now.

This can't be her.

But it is.


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