New Years [23]

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Everything was loud.

The fireworks, the yelling. 

It was loud.

But it was happy.

Aphamu and her mom decided to throw a party and invited a bunch of people and thief families.

Before we went there, we took a stop at the grocery store.

I grabbed two boxes of sparklers and some other firecrackers and flowers.


"Hey." I smile, keeping the flowers behind my back.

"Hi." She giggled.

I pulled out the flowers from behind my back and she wrapped her arms around me.

"Thanks babe." She smiled, letting us in.  Her house was decorated and her Christmas tree was still up.

"Garroth, Katelyn, Travis and a couple others are coming." She smiled, taking the flowers and putting it in a vase.

I nodded, before greeting Aphmau's mom and I introducing my parents.

Aphmau motioned me to go out to the back with her.

I grabbed my coat and followed her.

We climbed onto the roof, watching the cars park at different houses.

We finally saw a car that stopped at my house and we say a familiar blonde boy and his brothers walk out of the car.

"Garroth!" I shouted.

He looked up then saw us.

"How in Irene's name did you get up there?" He asked.

"I'm a ninja!" Aphamu shouted back.

He shook his head, going inside. I smiled. I pulled her closer to me, watching the sun slowly set.

"Aphmau, Laurnace?!" I hear someone shout.

I look down, seeing my powdered blue friend there in shock.

"Sh! Don't tell my mom!" Aphmau says.

She nods and walks into my house.


"Aphmau it's our turn to light something." Katelyn says.

"Okay!" Aphamu said, grabbing the lighter.

"Be careful."

"I will." She said. She walked over and lit the firework. She started to run and giggle and watched it explode.

She giggled. "This is really fun."

"Doesn't the sound bother you?"

"No. It's similar to lightning but it's not real." she said.

I nodded. "Yeah."

"Travis!" I heard Katelyn yell. It wasn't the type of i'm-going-to-punch-you-in-the-face kind of yell.

He had her swept off of her feet, bridal style. I checked my watch.

11:59 PM

I threw him thumbs up, doing the same to Aphmau.

"Laurance!" She giggled.






Our lips collided, literal and internal fireworks flying everywhere.

"Happy new years, my Aphmau."

"Happy new years, Laurance." she said, before pulling me into another kiss again. I smiled into it before I set her down.


"If you guys are too tired or are not able to drive, you're more than welcome to stay." Silvana said.

I called my mom, telling her that I was staying the night

"It's nice to have you Laurance." Silvana said. I gave a warn smile and nodded before walking upstairs.

"You staying here Garroth?" I asked.

"Yeah. Me and Vylad are." He said, holding his brothers hand.

"Katelyn is home and safe." Aphmau said, having her phone in her hand.

"That's good."

"Yeah.  Garroth there's a guest bedroom upstairs."

"It's okay.  I'll just sleep on the couch."

"Are you sure?" She asked.

"Yeah.  I find couches comfortable." He insisted.

Aphmau laced her hands with mine, pulling me up he stairs.

I chuckled.  "Why in such a rush to sleep?"

She opened her room door.  Her Christmas lights still hung on her walls and they were decorated with pictures.

The room was dim, the Christmas lights were enough to light it.

It still felt like last year.

She climbed into bed and so did I.  She wrapped her self around me as I smiled.

"I love you Aphamu." I confessed.

"I love you too." She said before pressing her lips into mine.

She fell asleep watching a movie.  I turned the tv off, getting comfortable.

A whole new year.

My life has been turned around completely.

All thanks to her.

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