December 29 [22]

549 26 3


"Laurance stop!" Aphmau shouted while I was about to throw a snowball at her.

I smiled. "Fine. Come here." I said, motioning her to.

She smiled and walked towards me slowly. She wrapped her arms around me, smashing a snowball on my back. She smiled slyly and I just chuckled.

I picked up little bits of snow, sprinkling them on her head.

bits of snow fell onto her shoulders and eyelashes.

"You guys are gross. But it's a cute gross." Katelyn commented.

"Thank you?"

Garroth, Katelyn and Travis came to join us. The snow got really fluffy and I thought it was a good idea to invite them out.

Katelyn looked a lot happier, which was good because what Jeffory did to her was wrong, very, very wrong.

No girl should ever feel like they're not good enough, like they're not worth anything. It's a messed up thing.

"C'mon Laurance! we're going to have a snowball fight!" Garroth exclaimed, starting to make a fort.

"Yeah, who's team are you going to be on?" Travis asked, Glancing toward Katelyn and Aphmau.

"Stop staring!" Katelyn screeched.

I pretended to think. "I guess I'll be on your team. I mean if i was on the girls' team, we'd lose even quicker than expected."

"HEY!" garroth and travis yelled at the same time.

I chuckled, starting to help build snowballs while Garroth and Travis built the fort.


"Okay, ready, set, GO!" Katelyn shouted, launching a snowball straight towards Travis' face. He dodged, then smirked.

"Katelyn baby, you missed." Travis stated.

"Grr...." She said, Launching another one. This time, it hit him square in the face.

"Never mind." Travis squeaks out, laying on the snow.

I turned around, feeling something cold hit my shoulder. I I turned around to see Aphmau giggling, ducking down by her fort.

"Pretty boy getting distracted by my teammate, huh?" Katelyn stated.

"your teammate, my girlfriend." I argue back, smirking.

She rolled her eyes. "You're lucky you got her, Zvahl."

"I know I am." I replied, launching another snowball towards the fort. The war went on, many snowballs were thrown.

And in the end,

The b-

Girls. The girls won.

We all walked back to my place, talking about the snowball fight.

"Why wasn't your sister with us?" Aphmau finally realized.

"She's sick. She always does during the Winter. Nothing serous though." I replied.

She nodded, I laced my fingers with her, smiling.

I am so grateful to have her.

"I love you." I finally confessed.

"I love you too." She pecked my lips. We finally reached my house. I jammed my hand in my pocket, pulling out my keys, unlocking my door.

"Hi mom, these are my friends, and Aphmau." I introduced. They all said they're names and my Mom greeted them.


"Azura, I am not your "senpai" please leave me alone." Garroth hissed, hanging up the phone.

"She's crazy."

"That's an understatement." Garroth shook his head, blocking her contact.

Katelyn laughed. "The life of a baseball player."

"I know, right?" Travis agreed.

"You're annoying." Katelyn grumbles.

"I know, baby cakes." He winked.

Aphmau started to fall asleep, leaning against me.


"hm?" she said, barley keeping her eye open.

"Do you want to lay down on the bed or do you want to stay here?" I asked.

"I like here..." She replied. I kissed her forehead.

"Good night then," I say.

"Good night, Laurance." She says drowsily, before she became silent.


"Thanks, Laurance." Garroth says, before exiting. Katelyn and travis left a while ago. I still had Aphmau sleeping beside me.

I moved her to the bed, she stirred but didn't wake up. I let out a breath of relief.

Irene forbid that I disturb my angel.

I laid in bed with her, wrapping my arms around her, falling asleep at almost an instant.

What is love? [laurmau ff] ✔️Where stories live. Discover now