The Nurse's[5]

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Two weeks later

"I've warned you far too many times, nerd boy." He said clenching his teeth.

I was being held up against a wall and my shirt being stretched.

I mean the good news, it wasn't that nice or expensive of a shirt anyway.

Bad news, they pushed me down and I lost my glasses.  I can barley see anything.

"I told you to stay away from her." He said lifting me up and throwing me to the floor.

I winced at the pain on the lower half of my body as I tried to get up.

I only got pushed down again.

I saw a blur or dark hair and tanned skin above me.

He bent down and started to punch me.

Pain was rushed to my head then all of a sudden, I felt sharp pains on my sides as I noticed that I was being kicked by the rest of his crew.

Aaron Falcon

Gene Shadow

Zenix Gray

I winced more as I fell a darkness start to drool over me.  I was going to pass out.

I saw them all laugh and leave.

"Oh my Irene, Laurance?!" I heard someone shout.

It hurt too much to do anything so I just lay there, letting the darkness engulf my entire body.


I opened my eyes and felt a huge pain on my side.

I winced as I sat up a bit.

I realized I was in the school nurse's.

"Oh my Irene! He's awake!" I heard the familiar black haired girl say.

"Aphmau?" I asked looking around, getting used to the surroundings that were mostly made of blobs.

She was in range so I could see her semi- clearly.

"Yeah." She said putting my hand on her shoulder.

"What happened? All I remember is Aaron and his crew just beating me up and–"

"Your memory is fine Laurance."  She gave a weak smile. 

The nurse walked in.

"Nurse kiva!" I said squinting.

"Hi Laurance." She said smiling. 

"Tell me the news." I said looking up.

"You have bruises by your ribs, bruises on your face and a pretty bad cut lip." She said I hailing a sharp breath.

"Does it need stitches?" I asked. 

She shook her head and smiled. "You're going to be fine."

She handed me an ice pack and I took it.

"Thank you." I smiled weakly and put it on my side.  I flinched slightly at the could touch, trying to get used to the pain.


"How long has this been going on?" She asked concerned.

"The beatings or the fights or the bullying?" I asked keeping the ice pack on my side.


"Well, I remember being bullied for as long as I could remember. I didn't let it bother me though." I said shrugging it off.

"And the fights, well I don't really do anything. Sometimes I just get shoved into walls or pushed to the floor. It's been happening since ninth grade."

I attempted to walk, trying to get up without any problem.  My ribs did not agree with my body and my legs were shaken up.

"That's terrible." She said shaking her head.

She looked sad.

Why would you look sad at someone you barley know?

"Hey.  It's fine, I'm still here." I said putting my hand on her shoulder.

She looked up and sighed.

"Ever tried reporting it?" She asked.

"Yeah. But all it lead to was them getting away with it and me getting beaten up worse."

"Well, Im glad your okay, but why did they do that to you in the first place?" She tilted her head.

Because I was interacting with you.

I shrugged.

"Oh. Maybe he's just having his own things and takes his anger out on you." She said jokingly.

I chuckled then shook my head.

"What?" She asked.

I shook my head again.

"Tell me Laurance." She said with her eyes filled with concern.

"It's nothing. I just realized that I have to go shopping for new glasses." I gave a weak smile.

She gave a simple 'oh' then looked down at the ground.

"You should by some contacts too." She said shyly.

I tilted my head.

"Why contacts?"

She shrugged, "Do you already have some?"

"I honestly thought that they would hurt if I put them in."  I scratch the back of my head awkwardly.  "I guess you could say I'm a little afraid to try?"

"Well, you never know until you do."

Fair point.

She looked at me longer, so long that it could basically become a stare.  Maybe she's daydreaming or something.

"How come you're being like that?" I asked tilting my head and leaning down to see her face. 

The same thing she did to me when we bumped into each other.

She shrugged. "I just–I don't know I'm sorry."

"You don't have to be sorry." I said giving a faint smile.

"What time is it?"

She looked at her watch.

"About three thirty." She said shrugging.

"I gotta go." I said standing up.

"Okay." She said looking down.

What was up with her?

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