I know[4]

922 39 7

Laurance: hey it's me, the guy you gave your number to.

Aphmau: hey :)

Laurance: hi.

Aphmau: how are you doing?

Laurance: I'm fine, what about you?

Aphmau: I'm great.

Laurance: how do you like Phoenix drop high?

Aphmau: I like it.

Laurance: made any new friends?

Aphmau: yeah, Katelyn, Lucinda, Nicole, Kawaii~chan and a bunch of others.

Laurance: that's cool.

I think I know what girls she's talking about. Their the ones with the different colors of hair.

Laurance: do they talk about Garroth a lot?

Aphmau: yeah. They think he's cute. Nothing big. I honestly think it's because of the whole 'I play baseball' title lol.

Laurance: yeah true. Almost every girl wants to get with him.

Aphmau: I've seen them swoon over him.

Laurance: Yeah. Garroth's like my best friend btw.

Aphmau: cool! I didn't know that.

Laurance: yeah.

Aphmau: a lot of girls swoon over him, and he definitely has his looks but,

Laurance: but what?

Aphmau: he's just not my type. That's all.

Laurance: oh. I see.

Aphmau: well, I gtg. I'll see you in school!

Laurance: bye.

I shut off my phone, setting it face down on the table.

I sighed pulling the sheets over me, tossing and turning a bit.


I blinked my eyes open and a checked the time.

6:25 AM

I rolled over, in search of my glasses. I patted my table a bit before finding them and throwing them on.

I grabbed my phone and checked many of the things that I usually don't have time to check.

At six thirty, I stretched and say on the side, stretching more.

I stood up and yawned.

Instead of going to the bathroom first, I went straight to my closet and searched through it.

I grabbed a grey shirt, with black jeans and the same black shoes and hoodie.

It was kind of cold, so I threw on the jacket going or the bathroom.

I walked out and whine I reached the bathroom Cadenza was surprisingly not there.

What is love? [laurmau ff] ✔️Where stories live. Discover now