Time Passes [28]

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three months later..

I've been better.  I'm less sad and I smile a little bit more.

That's what she would've wanted.

I still have hope, and I'm still waiting for her to wake up.  She's not dead yet. 

She's not dead until there is a total flat line on that monitor.

I sat in my english class, facing away from the new person sitting there.

"Laurance baby, what's wrong?" A familiar voice asked.

"I have a girlfriend." I reply bluntly.

"Yeah, a dead girlfriend." She snickered.

"She's not dead.  She's still breathing."

"Yeah, still breathing for now."

"Ms. Nether,  please stop bothering mr. Zvahl." 

She scoffs, kicking back in her chair.

My teacher went back to her lecture, paying attention to Sasha the entire time.


"School sucks." I state.

"That's an understatement." Garroth sighs, scooping a bowl of cereal in his mouth.

"Did you visit her today?" Katelyn asks.

I nodded.  "I did this morning."

"She has enough credits to graduate right? if she wakes up before graduation, she can walk with us?" Katelyn asks.

I nod in response.

"Why did all of this have to happen?" Travis asks, biting into his apple.

I shrug .  "Fate? karma?" 

"Either way, she didn't deserve that." Garroth added.

"I still think she's going to wake up." I say.

"I think we all do.  I still have faith.  People can be in comas for years.  Months isn't that bad." Katelyn states.

"I miss her." I confess.

"We all do." Garroth says, patting, my back.

"We just need to keep going, that's what she would want for us." Katelyn sits up, trying not to cry.

"Can we just all make a promise?" Travis asks.  "Promise to always keep going no matter what happens?"

I nod. "I promise." 

Everybody else said that they did promise, all of us ending in laughter after that.  We're all staying strong for her.

It's what we do for the people we love.

This is really what love is.

a/n: sorry for the short chapter! just wanted to get something out for you guys.  Note that this book is coming to an end soon!

Love you all!


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