Visiting hours [27]

522 23 4


Three weeks later...

Day 1
I look in the mirror, my skin is pale, bags are under my eyes and my eyes are pink and puffy.

My phone buzzes as I slowly walk over there, not wanting to pick it up.

I see that it's Silvana so I answer.

"Hello?" I rasp out.

"Laurnace, you can come visit Aphmau, I'll pick you up if you want."

"Okay." I say, my voice with a little more excitement.

I hang up and stuff my phone into my pocket. I play with my hair and change my clothes and wags my face before leaving.

I finally get to see my Aphmau.

That put the tiniest bit of happiness in me.

I sigh, going into the car. "Hey."

She nods, driving smoothly to the hospital. When we get there, butterflies of excitement jump though me but I mane to keep myself calm.

"How is she doing?" I ask.

"She's doing the same." She replies. I look at her, her eyes brimmed red as well.

I smile weakly before entering the hospital.


"Aphmau Phoenix, please." Silvana says.

"She would be in room 304."

We said a small thanks before pacing to the room.

I take a deep breath before opening the door.

I sucked a breath in, not wanting to believe what I saw.

It was her, but is like she wasn't there.



I saw her monitor was going at a rhythm which made me more calm.

She looked unhealthily skinny and pale. Her eyes were fluttered shit and she her chest was going up and down.

"A-Aphmau." I choke out, trying to be strong.

"I know you're going to wake up someday. But please make that someday somewhere soon..." I move to her bedside and grab her hand.

She feels cold, not like the warm happy Aphmau I know.

"Please choose to stay and remember..." I pause, sniffling. "I need you here with me, you complete me."

Silvana closes the door, taking a seat.

"I know you might be able to hear me though this. But please, it's way too soon for you to leave me. Leave us."

"I hope you know that I love you. I love you Aphamu. I really do." I say, grabbing tighter.

"I'll wait for you Aph. I'll promise you that." I say, kissing her cold forehead.

Day 2

"Hey Aph." I say, giving a weak smile.

"I think I'm starting to get better, now that I can visit you. I brought you these flowers."

I paused and ruffled my hair. "They're Lilacs, your favorite."

"I might being Katelyn or Garroth to see you. They deserve to."

What is love? [laurmau ff] ✔️Where stories live. Discover now