Christmas [21]

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Christmas Eve....

"Mija! I need help with the dinner!" My mom shouts.

"Okay mom!" I say back.

"Laurnace I'll call you later."

"Okay, love you."

"Love you too." I say, before hanging up the phone. 



"Cadenza, you can put the star on the tree." My mom states, handing cadenza the star.

She shrugs in happiness as I watched her out the star on out decorated tree.

"Who is coming over?" I ask.

"Uncle castor." My mom replies.

(Just go with it ;))

"Uncle Castor is crazyyyyy." I state, holding out the 'y'.


"Aphmau, oh my Irene, you would not believe how crazy he is."

"By he look on your face, he seems whack out of your mind." She giggles.

"But he's my uncle, and I still love him." I remark.

"Yeah.  You gotta' love em'." I hear Aphmau laugh.

"You look beautiful today." I say, randomly.

"Thanks." She blushes.

"You're not to bad yourself."

I smile.  "You're so amazing."

"And you're wonderful."

"Don't be mad if I call you at like five in the morning or something." She giggles.

"I could never be mad at you."

"Hold on,I'm cold." She says, standing up, to what I assume is to be getting a jacket. 

I saw that she hand on a gray hoodie, which looked a lot like mine.

"That's where that went." I mumble.

She laughs.  "Yeah, sorry it's really comfy and it smells like you."

I chuckle.

The rest of the call went on about me and Aphmau occasionally exchanging compliments, her talking about something and me admiring and vice versa.

The call finally ended and we said our goodbyes, thinking

That this girl would be the death of me.

Christmas morning.

"Merry Christmas Laurnace!"

"Merry Christmas Aphamu!" I say, yawning.

"Okay I gotta go," Aphmau giggled.  "I'll call you later."


"Bye!" I smile.

And the line went dead.

Jus chill Imma give you more fluff, just you wait till New Years ;) lmao jk I don't do smut if you were thinking that. But sadly, this book shall come to an end, after they graduate, which is kinda soon :(
Love you all!

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