Family issues[3]

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Dad left.

He just packed all of his things and he's gone now.

This has happened once before and he has come back maybe a couple days after.

But it been a couple of days.

He still isn't back yet.

I didn't bother asking my mother, she was already heartbroken as it is.

My bruises were healing a bit better, but still sore.

I've seen Aphmau around. She made friends with the pink and blue haired girl that always talk and giggle when Garroth is around.

I've also seen her with that orange haired girl that is a witch.

Most people dispose her for it.

But I honestly think that it's cool and interesting.

I think that she should be treated equally like everyone else.

But life isn't like that.

It never has been.

Cadenza had been locked up in her room crying.

She was always dad's baby.

I myself wasn't doing totally terrible. But I wasn't doing spectacular either.

I haven't been responding to any of Garroth's text messages.

I haven't been talking to anyone.

Is that what love does to you?

Does it drive you crazy? Or break you into a million pieces?

Maybe it does.

Maybe it doesn't.

But I can't say for myself.

"Laurance, dinner is ready." My mom said in a sweet tone.

"Okay. I'm coming." I so as getting out of bed leaving my phone as well.

I saw an unhappy cadenza moping around trying to get down to the kitchen.

"Cadenza honey, I know it's hard." My mom said putting her hands on her shoulders.

"It's okay mom. I'm fine." She said giving a weak smile.

"Laurance, how have you been?" She asked sitting down.

"I'm doing okay. You don't need to worry about me."


"Laurance are you okay?" Garroth asked leaning on the lockers next to him.

"I'm fine."

"You haven't been answering your text messages." He said grabbing out his phone.

"Yeah. Sorry about that, I've been busy."

"I'm just letting you know that's I'm here for you and always will be." He said smiling.


What is love? [laurmau ff] ✔️Where stories live. Discover now