Movie Date [17]

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I fluttered my eyes open and felt a pair of arms wrapped around me.

Laurance stirred before waking up.

He fluttered his eyes open and smiled.

"Good morning." He yawned.

"Morning~" I sang.

"Breakfast?" He asked.

I nodded before hopping out of bed.  Laurnace did the same, but slower.

We brushed out teeth and I did my hair and changed.

He threw on is glasses in the process.

"I see why you brought a bag." I said pointing and giggling.

He nodded.

I kept his jacket on because my whole house has AC, thank Irene.

Laurance was busy texting someone, which I'm assuming is his mother.

I walked over to him and laced my fingers with his.  He started to turn the slightest bit pink and so did I.


"What do you want to do today?" He asked.

I shrugged. "I usually don't do much on weekends." I replied.

"Do you want to go to the movies?" He asked.

"Is Laurnace Zvhal asking me on a date?"

Laurnace nodded.

"Okay, let's go! But we're only ordering popcorn and drinks. We're sneaking candy in." I smiled.

He shook his head. "Rebel much?"

"Yep. And plus, movie food is expensive and they don't check my purse so....." I shrugged, finishing the sentence.

"It's only 8:30 though." Laurnace stated bluntly.

"Cuddles!" I squealed, tackling him onto the bed.

"I'm fine with that."



I woke up early so I could wake Aphmau up to get ready.

I didn't want to disturb her peace but, if I didn't, we work be late.

I shook her gently. "Aph. Wake up." I slightly sang.

I shook her again. "Aph~"

She stirred, before fluttering her eyes open. She yawned. "What time is it?"


"What time does the movie start?" She asked, sitting up.

"6:00. Maybe a little after because the previews take forever."

She stood up and kissed my cheek. "Thank you."

I smiled and nodded.


Aphmau had asked me to wait in her living room, downstairs for her.

So I did. I had gotten ready quite a while ago. I was in a grey button up shirt with jeans and shoes.

I tapped my foot and scrolled through all of my notifications.

What is love? [laurmau ff] ✔️Where stories live. Discover now