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My phone buzzed and my heart raced at the thought of who it might be.

I opened the message and;

Unknown: hey princess ;)

I groaned.

Me: what do you want Aaron?

Unknown: I'll make you a deal.

Me: and that Would be?

Unknown: date me and as long as our mine, I'll stop beating up Laurance since you care for him so much.

Me: I need time to think.

Unknown: you have until tomorrow.  And don't tell anyone about this or its off.

I sighed putting my phone down.

Should I do this?

I sat on my bed thinking long and hard.

I care about Laurance.

A lot.

And I'm tired of him being beaten up because I'm not Aaron's.

I'm sorry.



"Hey how are you going to write?" He asked smiling.

I shrugged and attempted to write.

She winced and looked at her with concern in my eyes.

"Are you okay?"

She nodded her head and kept attempting to write.

I looked at her once more and the expression on her face looked frustrated and pained.

Maybe it was because she was trying to write?


Something was wrong.


"Laurance, I'm fine. I'm totally fine and I'm sure of it and please just don't mention anything of the matter." She said concentrating.

"I'm sorry."

She just shook her said and didn't say anything.

Was it that time of–

No sub conscious shut up.

Even if it was, you can't get mad, it's life so be quiet.

Maybe something was bothering her and she just didn't want to talk about it.

I kept pondering about it because it was English and her seat was in the correct spot it regularly is.

She didn't scoot it over closer to me.

And she didn't pass a not either.

She kept her hair to the side so I couldn't see her face.

It tugged my heart seeing her in a state that I would regularly be in.

She makes me smile, she boosts my self confidence, she makes me laugh and she makes me feel good about myself.

What more would I guy want from her?

And if she wasn't happy,

That feeling would tear me apart.



Laurance gave me my space. Which I felt bad about.

The way I addressed him about it was rather harsh.

I kept thinking about the deal that Arron made me and I've been wondering why I didn't take it so easily.

What's holding me back exactly?

It's like one side of me said to take the deal for Laurance because you acted about him.

And one side of me says not to take it because a relationship is suppose to be if you actually love that person.

And I definitely don't love Aaron.

I didn't even want him to be my friend.

This isn't right. Relationships aren't suppose to work that way.

I sighed and grabbed my phone.

Me: deal.

Aaron: great sweetheart :) and I wouldn't talk to him if I were you.


I wanted to scream and cry about this.

It's for the greater good and I shouldn't be mad.

I got myself into it.

For Laurance.

I fell onto my pillow and let everything out.





Why do I feel so frustrated?!

Over a boy?!

Do I like him?

Maybe I do.

What is love? [laurmau ff] ✔️Where stories live. Discover now