Gifts [20]

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"Merry Christmas Aph!" I said, giving her a small box.

She gasped. "Laurance you didn't have to-"

"I wanted too."

She hesitated slightly before she put it down. "It's not even Christmas yet!"

"You can open it now. I want to see your reaction." I smiled.

She nodded. She untied the box, and she slowly opened the box, revealing a bracelet. Aphmau squealed in glee.

"Do you like it?" I asked.

"I love it." She answered.

I took the bracelet out carefully, as I put it on her wrist.

It was silver and it sparkled. It had Lilac gemstones on it, causing it to sparkle even more. It was subtle yet beautiful.

Just like her.

"And I got you this." She said, Pulling out a box, bigger than mine.


"Open it." She said to me.

I unwrapped the paper, revealing a shoe box.  I opened the box, revealing a pair of shoes that I know I've been wanting for a while.


"Is this the right pair? I-"

"No, It's perfect.  Thank you." I said, snaking my arms around her.

"i'm glad that you like it." she said, kissing my cheek.

Christmas is in two days and I'm trying to spend time with Aphmau before we go back to spend it with our families.

"Let's take a Polaroid." Aphamu said, standing up from her spot on the bed.

She shuffled over to her desk area, which was slightly messier than before.

She grabbed out a purple camera and tossed over a smaller type of box that had a cover.

"Film is really expensive so I only save it for special occasions." She giggled.

I opened the box, looking at all the nice pictures she took with Lucinda, Katelyn and Kawaii~chan.

She also did a lot of candids and scenery photos.

I picked up one that stood out to me. It was Aphmau, smiling in front of a birthday cake and a banner that said 'happy sweet 16'.

Aphmau laughed. "That was almost two years ago."

"Time flies doesn't it?"

She nodded. She grabbed the camera and faced it to us.

"We're going to take two so just hold your position."


We both smiled for the first one and on the second one, I planted a kiss on her cheek at the perfect time.

"So we'll wait for these to develop and we'll look at them in a little bit."

I nodded. Placing a kiss on her cheek.

She blushed a slight red, before pressing her lips onto mine, our lips moving in sync.

My hands wrapped around her back, as hers wrapped around my neck. It was a moment that seemed like it was too short.

She soon pushed herself off to go check on the pictures.

"Which one do you want?" She asked.

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