Before Graduation [29]

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"Prom sucked without you." I said, brushing her hair out.

I sighed, keeping her hair in place.  Her body was frail and unhealthy looking.  She was also unhealthy skinny.

I was still in my tux.  I bought her another bouquet of flowers, with all kinds of purple.  I placed a purple flower on her bedside.

"Please come back to me..." I whisper.  "Please open those beautiful eyes and look back at me....  Graduation is in a week."

"We are tied for valedictorian..." I paused.  "We were both suppose to take it.  But it's just going to be me if your not ready to wake up yet."

"If your wondering, no, I didn't go with anyone.  It was just a friend thing."

"I love you so much Aphmau.  Please don't choose to leave."


"Laurnace, did you work on your speech?" My mom asked, placing a plate of food in front in me.

"Yeah..I'm almost finished."

She smiled and nodded.

I finished and went back up to my room to look over my speech one more time.

I sighed and smiled to myself knowing that she would like it.

I edited it and added my finishing touches to it as I left it on my work desk, trying to get a good nights rest.

And I did.


"Free periods are the best." Katelyn sighs happily, kicking back on top of the roof.

I chuckle. "That I can definitely agree on."

"Ivy, I promise I'll hang with you at lunch. I love you too." Garroth states, rushing up here.

"She's pretty nice." Travis remarks.

Garroth nods. "I think so too. She's changed a lot over the years."

"Mmhm." Katelyn points her finger, scrolling on her phone.

"Aphmau would like her a lot."




We all broke out into a laughter. We kept her presence strong because she's not dead.

She's just in a deep sleep.

But a true loves kiss won't fix it.

Believe me, I tried.

"Laurnace, let's read your graduation speech." Garroth reached over to my pocket.

I doge it. "Nuh-uh. You can hear it at graduation which is in a couple days."

Garroth grumbled, sitting on the chair.

"Who heard about the after party graduation thing?" Katelyn asks,showing her phone to us.

"Who is the host of this?"

She smirks. "My ex."


She nods. "We are so crashing this party. I don't know why he is throwing one though. I don't know what he's celebrating."

"What do you mean?" Travis asked.

"This mystery girl. Pregnant." Katelyn says.

"WHAT?" I at the same time as Travis.

"Mmhm. I know. Don't say anything though. I'm not suppose to know." She laughed.

"Another reason to crash that stupid party." I smirk.


"Jeffory so missed out." Travis says, pulling Katelyn into a kiss.

She giggled. "Travis!"

"Get a room." I roll my eyes.

We all break out into a laughter, making everything okay. Like she was still here with us.

"What if she has amnesia when she wakes up?" Katelyn blurts out.

"I'll start again." I say.

She nods. "Love is blinding."

"And also very revealing."

"You can say that again." Garroth chuckles, kicking back on the hammock.

She's my angel.

I'd go to the ends of the earth and back for her.

What is love? [laurmau ff] ✔️Where stories live. Discover now