Her Smile (Cresswell)

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Thorne grabbed two champagne glasses off the servant's plate. He turned around to his beautiful date and gave her one of the glasses. Cress giggled and smiled that beautiful smile of hers. Sometimes he couldn't believe her smile wasn't glamoured.

They sat down at a table with Scarlet, Wolf, and their newborn daughter, Aly. It was Cinder's crowning as the empress of the Eastern Commonwealth. Jason and Winter were stuck doing some trade stuff that they put off for Cinder and Kai's wedding.

Cress went over to the baby. "Aww, she's getting so big."

Scarlet grinned at her. "She is isn't she?"

Then there was a fanfare announcing that the ceremony was about to begin. The crowd silenced except for maybe a few whispers about Cinder, or as they have started calling her, Selene.

Thorne then noticed why. He was drinking his champagne at the time and almost spit it out when he saw her. His best friend had been transformed by the seamstresses. She had on a dark blue gown with stars that seemed to glow on the bottom of the dress. There were doves and Eastern Commonwealth nonsense symbols. Her hair was in a bun with braids around it, and her makeup was simply a red lipstick. The whole room held their breaths as she made her way to the crowning alter.

Apparently he had to much to drink last night. He can't remember the actual crowning ceremony. Cinder would kill him for this. Well, after Cress was finished with him.

He awoke in his bed after a dreamless sleep. Cress was beside him on her laptop. He groaned and looked up at her. He was greeted by a cold stare.

"Okay, what did I do last night?" he finally asked after the eerie silence. She glanced up from her laptop at him.

"Nothing much." Although, as she said it her face reddened.

"What did I do?" he inquired after sitting up.

"W-well after the crowning, everybody was congratulating Cinder and getting drinks. You got a lot. Maybe five, and you don't drink so much. Everyone helped you out of the party before you made a fool of yourself. Scarlet and I were taking you up to our room, and you tried to kiss Scarlet. She slapped you before you could do it though, if Wolf had been up there.." she trailed off.

The memory of him last night came in like a punch in the face. In fact, now he could feel the bruise forming on the right side of his face. "Oh my stars Cress I'm sorry."

"I know you were drunk," she murmured.

"Cress." She dared to look up at him. "Do you want me to tell you what I had planned last night?" She nodded at her hands, but seemed intrigued. "If I didn't drink as much as I did, I would have taken you to the garden after the party. I had a whole area I was planning on proposing to you in."

Her eyes widened as he pulled out a ring from his pants on the dresser. "Guess I'll have to do it right here. Will you marry me, Crescent?"

He caught the glimpse of her beautiful smile as she screamed, "Yes!"

And then he threw up on the ground. Very romantic.

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