Quatre Cinq Six Sept Huit Neuf

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      Philip's mother, Eliza, leaned on Theodosia, sobbing and screaming. Theodosia hugged her tightly, unlike Eliza, silently weeping. Alexander Hamilton never liked her father, but he knew how much she loved Philip, and that was enough for him.
     Mr. Hamilton looked broken. His eyes were glazed over. Individual tears fell down his cheeks. Philip was laying on the table, sleeping. Yes, sleeping, she couldn't bear the thought of...
     When Mrs. Hamilton regained her composure, she held Theodosia and let her cry. Even though it was her child that she had just lost.

"Theodosia?" Her father was knocking on her door. "Can I come in?"
     She took a deep breath and went to unlock the door. When she did, she could see her father look her over in worry. Her hair was most likely everywhere. Her eyes were red as well as her nose.
    "Oh honey." Her father hugged her.
     Her father never had approved of Philip. He thought he was a player. He also was "Hamilton's son, and Hamilton cheated on his wife." But he had lost her mother. He must know how she felt.
     "Daddy." She cried into his chest. "I miss him *hic* so much."
     That Would Be Enough Reprise: (inspired by That Would Be Enough and Dear Theodosia by Lin Manuel Miranda)
🎧 If he had stayed alive, that would've been enough.
If he hadn't scheduled the duel, that would've been enough.
If George hadn't shot him before 10, that would've been enough.
But now he's gone.
And nothing will ever be enough.
Dear Philip, what would I say to you.
If George waited till the time was right
And then shot at the sky.
Or if you survived the blow
Or if he'd missed.
I dedicated everyday to us.
And now you're gone.
Who will make my life worthwhile
The way that you did?
Ever Yours, Theodosia 🎧
I'm sorry

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