Don't Call Me That (Puckleberry)

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  A/N: The bold font is Puck singing, the Italics are Rachel, and both is both of them.

   I sat in the choir room pulling at my sleeves. I was antsy to see Noah. I was going to ask him about the song we'd been practicing. I wanted to perform it today in front of the club.
     I glanced up at the sounds of yelling and laughing. I looked up and saw Mike joking with some of the football players. He looked at me and smiled.
     "Hey, Rach, a couple guys on the football team are gonna sit in on rehearsal."
     "Sure, Mike," I said, waving it off.
     People piled in after 10 minutes. 5 minutes later, Noah sauntered in with Artie and Mr. Shue. I smiled when he sat next to me.
I had already told Mr. Shue about our duet. I whispered this in Noah's ear, and he nodded.
"Okay, before we start Glee Club, I heard that Rachel and Puck prepared a duet for us." Mr. Shue motioned toward us. We got up, and Noah got his guitar. "Take it away guys."
Noah started strumming his guitar. He smiled sweetly at me. He started singing:
"The dawn is breaking;
A light shining through;
You're barely waking;
And I'm tangled up in you."
I waited for my cue. I counted the strums before coming in.
"I'm open, you're closed;
Where I follow you'll go;
I worry I won't see your face;
Light up again!"
"Even the best fall down sometimes;
Even the wrong words seem to rhyme;
Out of the doubt that fills my mind;
I somehow find;
You and I collide."
"I'm quiet you know;
You make a first impression;
I've found I'm scared to know I'm always on your mind."
"Even the best fall down sometimes;
Even the stars refuse to shine;
Out of the back you fall in time;
You and I collide."
"Don't stop here;
I've lost my place;
I'm close behind."
"Even the best fall down sometimes;
Even the wrong words seem to rhyme;
You finally find;
You and I collide.
You finally find;
You and I collide;
You finally find;
You and I collide."
Clapping pulled me from my daze. I looked up to find me pretty close to Noah. My face flushed. But I smiled through.
I hugged him. He didn't even tense. "That was so great, Noah!"
"Yeah, Noah, that song really made my heart swell," a voice retorted.
We separated. Noah was glaring at the source of the statement - some football player.
"Noah, what if we sang a love duet together?"
"I'd like that as well, Noah."
"Shut up!" I squealed and jumped back. "If anyone calls me that again, their face will be colliding with a slushee!"
My eyes widened. No- Puck stormed out. Everyone was quiet for a second.
"Mike, please escort the football players that aren't apart of Glee Club out of here," Mr. Shue whispered (though everyone could hear him because of the eerie silence).
The next day, I hadn't talked to Puck. Not to correct him in class or anything. He seemed to be noticing it a little. Not enough to say anything though.
The day passed by fairly quickly. As soon as the last bell rang, I went to my locker to gather my things before I went to Glee Club. I saw Puck leaning on my locker.
"What are you doing?" I asked annoyed.
"What does it look like?"
"Get out of my way."
"Rach, I know you're mad at me."
"Get out of my way, Puck!"
"Don't!.." He paused and said in a much quieter voice, "Call me that."
My eyes flickered down to his lips which were extremely close to mine. They were so close in fact that I could feel his breath on my lips. He closed the gap between us. The kiss was short and sweet, but nice.
"Let's get to Glee Club, Noah."
Yeah I'm Puckleberry trash

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