Un, Deux, Trois

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     A gunshot rang out while Philip's back was turned. He saw a flash of light as he fell to the ground.
     He didn't feel the ground. In an instant, he was in a bed, Theodosia next to him holding his hand.
     "Please, please stay with me. Please you can't go Philip. Not like this..," she cried. He wiped the tears away.
     "I'm not going anywhere, Theo." The pain in his side sharpened. "But if I do, take care of my mother..."
     "No! Because you're not going anywhere," she whispered, weeping.
     He kissed her, and memorized every part of her. The taste of her lips, the feeling of her tears falling on his face....
     "Philip," his father muttered. He looked away from Theo to his father at his other side.
     He was already weaker from the kiss, but it was worth it. "P-pa. I did exactly as you said Pa. I held my head up high." His father tried to shush him. "I -"
      "I know you did everything just right."
     "Even before we got to ten. I was aiming for the sky. I was aiming for the sky."
     He was cold as his mother ran in. "No!" Their voices were becoming more distant by the minute. "Is he breathing? Is he going to survive this? Who did this? ALEXANDER DID YOU KNOW?!"
     "Mum, I'm so sorry for forgetting what you taught me." It was his fault. He must have counted wrong. He grasped Theo's hand, who was silently weeping.
     "My son." She was grasping his arm, putting pressure on the wound.
     "We played piano."
     "I taught you piano." He could hear the smile in her voice. But it was dulled. He just wanted her to smile again.
     "You would put your hands on mine." He could hear his heartbeat. Everything else was muffled.
     "You changed the melody every time."
     "I would always change the line. I would always the line." He chuckled a little. It made him a little warmer.
     His mother sang, "Un deuce trois quatre cinq six sept huit neuf."
     He joined in. Then the last melody. He wouldn't mess it up. "Un deux trois..."
     His last thought was of Theo and his parents.
Hi I'm Miss Heartbreaker 😈

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