Kindergarten Boyfriend

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The monitors beeped rhythmically. Martha was laying on a white bed in a white room in a perfectly white, pristine hospital. She was sleeping.
She was having a dream filled with happiness for her. Martha and Ram... and a horse with wings. Ram, who was by her side, hoping she would wake up and see him. He was here. He regrets everything. If she would just wake up, he would tell her all this.
He held her hand in his. Her hospital gown was pink. And short sleeved. To reveal cuts on her arms. And it scared him.
He kissed her hand. It was right after school. Usually, if he was looking out for Martha, he wouldn't dare tell anyone. But this was different. She had actually tried to commit suicide. He didn't care what anyone else thought.
It had started with Heather Chandler. And then Kurt. Heather McNamara almost did, until Veronica caught her. And then J.D. That was the end of it. Until Martha.
Martha started shifting in the bed. Ram tightened his grip on her hand. Martha blinked her eyes open. She smiled at him.
"This is a nice dream. Did I just wake up from my century long nap?" Martha asked. Ram was confused.
"Martha, you're not dead. You're alive. You're here. With me."
Martha huffed and looked away. "That's a nice thought but no. Who would ever come for me?"
Ram grabbed her face gently and turned her head towards him. "Me. Im sorry, Martha. For never sticking up for you, for defending Kurt. I'm sorry. I love you, and you're the only one who's ever truly loved me."
Martha flushed. "So I'm really alive?"
Ram chuckled. "I'm pretty sure."
"And this is real?"
"Then...." She hesitated. "Could I kiss you?"
Ram flushed as well. Instead of replying, he closed the space in between them. He could feel the smiles in the kiss.
What can I say? I'm a sucker for a happy ending.

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