What Were You Thinking? (Jordomi)

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     I hid behind a crate. Bullets ricocheted off the concrete building. I held a gun close to my chest, just in case.
I gasped as a bullet ricocheted into the crate, inches away from me. Ok, fine. It's go time. I appeared over the top of the crate and shot at the Lost Boys.
They turned around, but I already disappeared behind the crate again. But they must have gotten the gist of the direction of the bullet. So they started shooting at the crate. My eyes widened as a bullet hit my side. Then I started to black out.

I wake up in my bed at the base. I slowly sat up, but that still brought me pain. I looked down and saw that there were bandages around my midsection. I put my glasses on when Bennett and Jordan came in.
"Oh, you're awake," Bennett said, matter-of-fact-ly.
"Are you hungry?" Bennet asked.
"Yup. Could you get me some chicken noodle soup or something?"
"Yeah. I'll make it for you. Jordan's gonna check on your bandages."
Bennett left the room to make me chicken noodle soup, hopefully homemade. Jordan was eerily silent. He came over and lifted the blanket off of me and lifted my shirt a little.
"Can you sit up a bit more?" he asked.
So I sat up straighter. He changed the bandages, pulled down my shirt, put the blanket back over me, and started to walk out of the room.
"Hey." I got out of the bed painfully. "Why haven't you been talking to me?"
"What were you thinking?" he asked. He was standing in the doorway.
"Why are you mad at me?" I responded, limping over to where he was.
He turned around, towering over me. "Because you weren't supposed to be there! We told you to stay at the base! You weren't supposed to be hiding behind a crate! You weren't supposed to be shooting at the Lost Boys! You weren't supposed," His breath hitched. "to get hurt."
"I'm fi-."
"No, you're not. You could've died!"
I wanted to argue some more, but I felt a pain in my side, and my legs gave out. Jordan caught me and picked me up bridal style. He must've gained muscle because last time he tried to pick me up, he fell.
He took me over to my bed and placed me down. He gave me an Advil and water that must've been on the dresser. I took it and scooted over. I patted on the bed for him to lie down. He did reluctantly.
     "I just don't want you to get hurt."
     "I know," I said pushing his hair back. He leaned into my hand and kissed it. I smiled. I grabbed his face and kissed him.
     "You were just supposed to change her bandages."
     Jordan fell off the bed. "Fu-- damn Bennett!"
Hi. Ik I'm gonna update this again and then update my other stories. Sorry

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