Hold Me (Jordomi)

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     I walked out of my room in the base. I wiped the tears away. I took a deep breath before stepping into Jordon's room. The door creaked open.
     "Jordon? Are you awake?" No response.
     I stalked towards his bed and sat down. He stirred. I smiled sadly and pushed his curly hair back from his head.
     At that he sat up and pushed me off the bed.
     "Oof! Jordon, it's Naomi!" I whisper yelled.
      Jordon blinked the sleep away and helped me up. "Sorry. Thought you were an intruder." Well, not all of it.
     "Anyways -"
     "'Anyways' isn't a word. It's anyway. No 's.'"
     "Whatever. What are you doing in my room at this time of night?"
     I held my arms out. "Hold me."
     "I'm having a bad day. I need someone to hold me."
     I could've sworn he blushed. "Why not Declan or Bennett?"
     "Let's see. Declan would try to beat up the person who made me cry, which would be me, myself, and my brain. Bennett isn't emotionally there. According to my calculations, you're the best choice."
     Okay, he was definitely blushing. Instead of coming up with a response, he held out his arms. I gladly scooted towards him and fell asleep.

I wake up to a person screaming. Not like scared screaming. More like angry screaming. I couldn't decipher it, so I cuddled closer to Jordan.
     Oh. Oh. It was Declan screaming. At Jordon.
      "ARTICLE 15 SECTION 5!"
      "Doesn't count anymore. Did away with it," I sleepily replied.
      There was a pause. "Did he wake you?"
     It was Bennett. He must've been sitting there the whole time.
     "Yes, and I'd prefer to go back to sleep."
Ok so I don't own these characters. They are owned by RubixCube89201 and the Story is called The Good Girl's Bad Boys. Go check it out.

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