Search Engines

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     I sat at my desk, typing some code on my laptop. I was just trying to get the website right, even though it was midnight.
     The door opened, and I stiffened. No one was here except me. I turn around, expecting an employee, but it's Google.
     "Oh, hello, Google." I blushed slightly at his name. "What brings you to my office this late?"
     "Hey Yahoo." He staggers closer, and I realize he's drunk.
     I stand up to lead him out. "Google, you can't be here when you're intoxicated. Go call an Uber to take you home."
     He hiccups. "I don't *hic* have any money."
     I sigh. "Okay, I'll take you home."
     I drive him to his apartment. "Okay, here you go."
     A hand goes over my mouth, as he drags me into the apartment.
Eh kinda creepy??

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