Fluff (Jeremy/Michael)

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A/N: I am extremely uncreative and tired. The title is going to be fluff because it can. I can do what I freaking want.
Hello Jeremy. Glad to see you again.
     Keanu Reaves? Wait no. No no no no no. M-Michael and I got rid of you. Y-you're supposed to b-be gone!
     *tisks* Still have a problem with stuttering I see. Well, we can change that. And Michael will be a problem. Have to get rid of him too.
     No! No Michael!
     "Michael!" Hot tears are streaming down my face. Michael sits up.
"Jeremy?" I hug him tightly as I cry into his shoulder.
"Hey, hey, you're okay. You're okay." He pauses until my sobs turn into faint cries. "What was it?"
     "The Squip." I hiccuped. "They were speaking again, and he said that he was going to get rid of you. I can't lose you again!" I feel myself start to panic again. "I don't know if they're coming back and what if they are! Th-they'll turn the optic nerve blocking on, and you'll be gone, and then I'll say awful things about you and-and--."
     I'm cut off by Michael's lips on mine. He pulls away quickly.
     "I-I'm sorry. I should have asked you first. I just didn't know how to calm you down. And I know you're dating Christine, so you don't have to do anything. You can stay with Christine. I shouldn't have done that," he whispers almost frantically.
     I cup Michael's face and kiss him. It's longer than the first and sweeter. I pull away after a few seconds.
     "We broke up today." I kiss him one more time.
     "Let's go to bed," Michael says.
     I settle back down, and he puts his arm around me. I smile and hold his hand until I fall asleep.
Okay this is from Be More Chill. It's great. You guys should listen to it.

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